I Hate Him, He Loves Me.. Ch.17

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Hey sorry I haven't been writing. MAJOR writers block and I have not had any time, so many tests *shudders* lol. Well it is now Christmas break and I have my cup of Diet Coke and I'm ready to write!

ohmygod super excited right now! just saw a commercial for the secret life of the american teenager! cant wait till the new season!!!!!! eep!!!!! :)

ANYWAYS comment and vote :)


~~Melody's POV~~

Where am I? Am I dead? Hmm, figures the doctors said it would only be a few months or weeks. I wonder how Aaron is. And Emma. Even my mom.

Oh how I miss them all. Now I will never see them again. Dang, this sucks, why do I feel pain?

I tried to open my eyes. Gah! Almost! Maybe I'm not dead because I think I can hear Aarons voice.

"Melody? Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please WAKE UP!!!" Someone was sobbing.

I think it was Aaron.

I feel a longing in my heart whenever I think of him. Knowing I will never get to be with him again.

I think this is the last stage of my life. I've read about these stages. Like they make you feel any better. All they say is like

"Just take it easy and for the rest of the months that you are alive make it worthwhile.." yeah that totally makes me feel better.

I tried again to open my eyes. Ah, the success.

At first everything was blurry, but then after a few seconds I saw Aarons face masked with worry.

He should not be worrying about me. We all know what's going to happen.

It's the way of life, you're born, you live, you get old, then you die.

I reached up and touched the side of his face. I couldn't bring myself to speak.

I saw a tear roll down his cheek onto my hand. I wiped the track of the tear away with my thumb.

"It's going to be ok Aaron." I finally said after a few minutes.

He just closed his eyes and let his face rest in my hand.

I looked around where I was.

Ooh the hospital, big surprise.

I saw Aaron (of course) a few nurses, Emma holding Trevor's hand, Trevor... Wait?! Emma is HOLDING his hand?!

I sat up slowly still looking at their hands entwined together.

"Emma..." I said slowly. She started blushing and Trevor removed his hand to put it around her waist.

"AWWW YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!" I yelled happily. I don't want everyone to be all gloomy right now.

Now Emma was beet red, I started laughing.

"You have to tell me everything! Well not right now because I need to take a shower. So everyone out!" I shooed everyone away even Aaron.

He so did not want to leave.

After everyone was gone I started bawling, I couldn't make it back to my bed so there I was crumpled up on the floor in the fetal position.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I can't bear to leave Aaron, or Emma or.. anyone.

My eyes kept trying to close but I didn't want to go into the darkness.

I have always been afraid of the dark.

But right now it is time to face my fears.

So I closed my eyes and let the darkness take me.



Comment and VOTE!


haha jk im not THAT mean

I just had to do that! ok back to the story


~~Aaron's POV~~

I banged on the door about 10 more times.

Why won't she open it!!

I called a nurse over and she opened it.

I walked inside and the nurse followed me.

"Get the doctor. NOW!" The nurse yelled to someone behind us.

I just started at Melody.

She was breathing, thank God! I picked her up and set her on her bed.

Her face was wet with tears. That's why she wanted everyone out.

About ten nurses came rushing in and pushing me away from the bed.

"Where are you taking her?" I practically yelled at some nurse.

"She's getting an MRI" She said while rushing her out of the room.


After pacing in the waiting room for two hours Emma and Trevor left.

I don't even know how they got back together.

I left them alone to go see Melody and they were fighting when I came back they were making out.

After waiting about another hour a nurse came in and told me to follow her.

We got to Melody's room, they had x-rays and everything up the doctors looked baffled.

"Um, what's going on?" I asked

"Look at this" The doctor said.

I went over and looked at the MRI, x-ray, thing...


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