16 year old Elena probably has the best life she could have ever wished for. She has the bestest friends ever that would be there for her whenever she would need them. She also is filthy rich and has the best parents she could ever wish for. But bes...
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Damon's P.O.V
As I walk into the classroom I search for Elena. I found her but shock filled my body. The. Elena. Gilbert. was wearing normal clothes? And what happened to her curly hair? But it actually suited her very well. She noticed me staring at her and she rolled her eyes. I walked awkwardly to my seat. I sat there unable to look away from Elena. What was going on with me? I had suddenly started to grow strong feelings for her and there was no way I could stop it. Interupting my thoughts, Elena asks if she can go to the bathroom. "May I go with her too?" Stefan suddenly blurts out. Stefan had jumped up as if a dog had seen a cat run right in front of it. The class started Oooohhhing and I saw embarssasment grow on Elena's face. Just as I was about to stand up and comfort Elena Mr Stricklin said- "only she can go because god only knows what you two will do together." I started to grow angry while listening to the echoing laughs of the students. Stefan's face suddenly turned as bright as a cherry. "Please." he said while clenching his jaw. "What did I say mr Salvatore?" Mr stricklin said firmly. Stefan obeyed and sat back down. Elena walked out of the classroom awkwardly. Poor girl. "Settle down class!" yelled Mr Stricklin. Suddenly there was a piercing scream in the back of the room. Everyone turned and gasped. Before we could all help the girl I felt a slight pain in my chest. I looked around me at the blurry people and I noticed everyone had a knife stuck in their chest. The only thing that came to my mind was Elena.
Elena's P.O.V
I scream the loudest I have ever screamed in my lifetime. Everyone was on the floor dead. I scanned the room frantically searching for Stefan. I suddenly spotted his body. He was on the ground like the rest of the people. I suddenly fell on my knees. Mixed emotions filled every part of me and I felt as if my body were shutting down. Tears ran down my eyes and I started feeling light headed. As I took my last look at Stefan before passing out, I heard a slight sound that sounded like: "Elena?"
My eyes started to fluter open.Stefan was standing over me. My body filled with joy. Stefan was alive! "Stefan!" I yell weakly. "Im not Stefan.." said someones voice. As my visions suddenly clears I notice who it is and jump back against the wall. I felt myself breathing heavily. "Elena calm down..." Damon said. "Why are you not dead?!" I yelled. I realized what I said was really rude. I saw sadness creep through his light blue eyes. I felt bad but I decided not to say sorry. There was a long boring slience.I started to walk into the classroom. As I looked around at the bodies I felt tears fill my eyes. "Oh my god..." I whisper. I notice Damon walks up behind me. Damon looked down sadly. "Are they all...gone?" I asked him. He hesitated for a moment. "Yes." he said while still looking down. I stood there for a moment feeling shock running up and down through my body. Suddenly I back my body up to the nearest wall and scrunch up in a ball. I start sobbing into my knees feeling them get wet. I notice Damon standing there awkwardly.I start crying even harder. Why was Damon and I the only ones who lived?! Out of everyone in this classroom, whoever did this picked 2 enemies to live?! "I can't do this anymore..." I whisper to myself. "Hey it will be ok Elena..." He says while moving his hand toward my back. It startled me for a second that someone that I hated more than anything in the world was comforting me, but I slapped his hand and ran towards Stefan's body.
"STEFAN PLEASE WAKE UP! PLEASE!!!" I scream at his lifeless body. I start shaking him. "Elena... calm down." Damon said. I looked at him. "STEFAN IS DEAD DAMON! THE ONLY PERSON WHO MADE ME FEEL ALIVE AND SPECIAL IS DEAD!" I scream while sobbing. He looks down unable to get words out of his mouth. I turn back to Stefan. "Please, come back to me.." I whisper to him. I start screaming uncontrollably. I noticed Damon expression turns to petrified. "PLEASE!" I scream over and over again. Finally, Damon manages to move. He squats down next to me. "Shh... your gonna be ok Elena." he whispered while rubbing my back. This time I didn't push him away. I just really needed comforting from someone right now. Even if it was... Damon... I suddenly feel tired and feel my eyes slowly drooping. "Goodnight." I say out loud. I lay my head on Damon and I feel him jump. "Goodnight." I hear him whisper before I am fast asleep.