16 year old Elena probably has the best life she could have ever wished for. She has the bestest friends ever that would be there for her whenever she would need them. She also is filthy rich and has the best parents she could ever wish for. But bes...
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Elena's P.O.V:
"There you guys are!" Damon yells annoyingly. "Sorry we got a little carried away." I say while laughing at myself. Damon looks at me as if he realizes what I meant. I just look down so I don't feel guilty. I look back at Kris and he is putting away my coat for me. I smile at him. " I'm hungry..." says Kris. Damon throws blood bags on the table. "Drink up." He says. "What about me?" I say teasingly. "Your dinner is right here." Damon says while pointing at himself. "Damon!" I yell while trying not to laugh. He smirks at himself as if he is impressed that he made me laugh. "Just kidding I have some pizza in the oven." He says while smiling at me. Damon's legendary smile would make anyone melt in a puddle of love. "Human food is a disgrace to the human race." Kris says while laughing. I suprisingly see Damon laugh. I was so glad that they finally were getting along. The only problem was we have to lie to Damon. I wanted to tell him about Kris and I but right now is not a good time. If he ever found out he would never forgive me. We all sat there eating silently staring at each other. Both of them had blood covered over there face. "You guys eat like pigs!" I tease. " Were vampires Elena we literally inhale blood." Damon says. I make a disgusted look. " Imagine that your so attached to someone that you can't stay away from them." Kris says while smiling at me. I smile back at him getting the joke. Damon stares at both of us with anger filling his eyes. He looks down trying not to burst out.
We had finally finished so I headed upstairs for bed. As I walked up the stairs, behind me I saw Damon and Kris talking away. I was so happy that they were finally starting to get along. Finally, we could all feel happy together. Before i walk into my room I take a peak into Kris's room. It was completely neat except for a book with ripped out papers on the bed. On the pages, I could see words like love, regret and.... ELENA?! I started to feel tempted to read the pages even more. But my body lead me to the pages and my eyes glued to the pages. Every word I saw made shock run through my body.
Today was the day that I am going to meet Elena. I know she will not be happy, but just for her to reconize my face would be nice. I'm sick of following her everywhere. I just really want to get to know her. She is like no one I have ever seen before. She's different than any other girl I have ever meant. I just need to know her.
I close the book and stare at the ground. Was today a mistake or did he.... Love me? From these words I could obviously tell something was going on. I pick up a different page and read the chunk in the middle
I think im going crazy. As soon as I actually meant Elena her personality instantly made me feel this funny feeling. I can't tell if it's a feeling of friendship or... love... Every time she smiles or looks into my eyes my heart stops. Except. There is Damon. It's obvious she already has feelings for Damon so I can't ruin that for Damon or even Elena. It's probably wrong to think this but someday I wish she would grow strong feelings for me too.