Chapter 5:Company

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Hey guys! so if your confused this takes place one month after that day

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Hey guys! so if your confused this takes place one month after that day. So enjoy! <3

Elena's P.O.V:

"Morning!" Damon yells in my ear. I jump almost as high as my ceiling. I throw a pillow at him and give him the bitch face. "Calm down.." He says. I start laughing. I get up and open the shutters. It was a beautiful.... rainy day... "Looks like todays plans are canceled." he says. "What plans?" I ask. " I just wanted to spend some time with you instead of looking around for the killer." he says. "Let's just spend some time together in here." I say while brushing my hair. He does his pouty face AGAIN. " I just wanted to go outside and do something!" he says while fake crying. "Oh stop being a drama queen." I say while laughing. He laughs along with me. I start to take off my shirt but remember he is in here. I shoe him away and he vamp speeds for the 100th time. His vamp speed has always annoyed me sense he first told me he was a vampire. For the past month, we have been trying to figure out who the killer is. But all we know is that there is a team of them and they killed the whole. world. But I have grown to try not to think about Stefan and just focus on figuring out who the killer is so I can kill him. Damon and I have grown ALOT closer. He is probably the bestest friend I have ever had. And even though he is a vampire, I still love him for who he is. I finally finish getting dressed and head downstairs. I have been staying in his house for a while sense the killer burned down my house. I notice Damon on the couch. I sit down next to him. He didn't even notice I was here. "Uh Dam-" He suddenly shushes me. I look at him puzzled. I obey and look around the house. His house was nice inside. It had a beautiful staircase. He suddenly shuts his magazine a little harshly. "Ok now speak." he says. I could tell he was trying to annoy me. I roll my eyes. "So what do you want to do?" I ask him. "I dunno." he says. "This was your idea think of something!" I say. He suddenly stops and stares. "Damon?" I whisper. He shushes me again. Oh Damon, he thinks he is so funny... He suddenly grabs me and vamp speeds me into the bathroom. "whats going on?" I ask nervously. "don't say a word." he whispers. I am about to say something but he covers my mouth. I see worry in his eyes. Is it the killer? I mouth. He nods his head. He slowly opens the door. I feel my adrenaline kicking in. I starting breathing heavily. "Stay here." he says with a serious look in his eyes. I slowly nod my head. And he vamp speeds AGAIN.

It was quiet for a while. I sat there holding my breath waiting for what would come next. Even though he told me stay in here, I peeked my head out. I saw Damon for a spit second but then I feel a bag go around my face. "DAMON HELP ME!" I try to yell as loud as I can.No response. I could tell by the grip that this person was a man. I had a slight feeling that Damon might be the one kidnapping me. I never even thought about him being the killer. I suddenly hear Damon's echo through the house. "ELENA WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yells. Before I can respond I feel his large hands cover my mouth. I start trying to squirm myself out of his grip. "Calm down princess." the person says. It was definitely a male by the tone of his voice. "Let me go!!" I yell at the man. I suddenly hear Damon's stomping. Suddenly I feel a gust of wind against my body. It was if I was moving as fast as light speed. Then I relalized why. He was a vampire. 

I woke up to the scent of nature. It smelled like wild daisy's and pollen. As my eyes flutter open a man appears above me. I realized I was laying on the ground in a field of grass. But I didn't know this man. I jumped up and started running as fast as I could. But before I even ran 50 meters he was already in front of me. "Don't run Elena I'm not going to hurt you." he said. He knew my name. I shivered.This man had dark chocolate brown eyes almost the same color as mine that shined through the sun. He had black wavy hair that was styled nicely. He was tall and very thin. I hestitated for a moment not knowing if I should run. "The only reason I captured you like that was because Damon would never let me take you with me ALONE." He said calmly. I stared at him for a moment. "How do you know our names?" I asked nervously. "I have been watching you." he said. I started feeling even more nervous. "Sorry not like that. I meant that I have been observing you and Damon." He said. I started feeling less scared of him. Considering how big he was his personality was actually calm and sweet."Why are you observing us?" I asked a little more calmly. "I wanted to see if you guys had anything to do with the murders in this town." he said. "And you didn't?" I said a little rudely. He hesitated for a moment and locked eyes with mine. "Elena you have to trust me. I'm not here to hurt you guys." He says. The look on his face made him seem pretty beliable. But I needed to ask him for questions. "Then what are you here to do then umm.. Whatever your name is." I asked. "Im here to help you figure out who the killer is. I want to team up with you guys. Oh and my name is Kris." He answered quickly. "First you have to prove to me that I can trust you in these next couple days." I say firmly. "Ok." he responds. "Let's go back Damon is probably worried." He said while holding out his for me. "Wait. Your a vampire right?" I asked. He turned around and stared at the ground. "Yes but I can control myself around humans like you." he says. I looked him in the eye. I saw the truth in his eyes. "Ok lets go." I say.

I opened the door and saw a mess. Did Damon do this? There was papers all over the floor and the very pretty lamp I noticed earlier was shattered. I also saw a shocked looked on Kris's face. "I didn't know I upset him that much..." he said slowly. "DAMON?" I yelled. Suddenly there I saw him flash down the stairs. "ELENA OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?!" He said while pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back. "Im ok." Damon turned to Kris and his kill mode look was back on his face. He lunged toward Kris and I watched them tumble to the ground. They were fighting over me. "Damon stop!" I yelled. "Damon we can trust him!!" I yelled. He looked back at me with anger filling his face. He stared at me and saw emotion spread throughtout his face. But luckily he pulled back from Kris. "Talk." he said angerily at Kris. He was still out of breath as he talked. " I told Elena that I'm here to help you find the killer." he said trying to sound beliveable. Damon looked at me then him. "Elena do you trust him?" he said. I looked at him for a second. "I told him that I'm going to give him a week to prove to us that he is trustworthy." I said. "And you want him to stay here. With us?" he said a little harshly. I nodded my head hoping that Damon wouldn't lung at him. "Ok." he tried to say as calmly as he could. "Elena show him his room." he said while pouring himself a glass of beer. 

"Sorry about that.." I said quietly while picking up a portrait of Damon with his family. I had never been in this room. It was beautiful. Pictures filled the wall of himself with his family. I smiled a little at how happy he looked. "It's ok. I have come to learn that Damon can be a little aggressive sometimes." he said while laughing. I laughed along. I felt his eyes watching me walk around the room. "What?" I say. "Nothing." he says as if he was in a trans. I give him a puzzled look. Suddenly Damon appears. He looked upset. "Elena can we talk." He said firmly. I looked at Kris. His face expression said- It's probably important go. So I followed Damon downstairs. 

He sat down and I sat down next to him. "Do you really trust him or did he force you?" he whispered. "Damon I really trust him." I said. He sighed. "I guess he seems like a sweet guy." he said. I smiled at him. He looked down suprisingly not smiling back. That's when I realized what the problem was. "Your Jealous." I said while laughing. He looks up quickly anger growing in his eyes. "I'M NOT!" He said as if he didn't believe himself. I gave him an annoyed look. "Damon you obviously are." I said giving him a sly smile. "Ok maybe I am! But why wouldn't I be Elena? He was obviously into you." He said angerily. "Damon we just ment calm down." I say calmly. He starts breathing harshly. He suddenly stops and looks at me with confusion in his eyes. He still stares at me and our eyes lock unable to move away. This strange feeling creeped into to me that made my whole body tingle. What was going on with me? Why did I feel so.... Good... when I looked at him. He starts to lean in and my heart pounds out my chest. 1 month ago I would slap him across the face but something felt completly different when he was close to me. As he was almost to my lips, he pulled me into a tight hug. I sat there confused for a second but hugged back harder. I felt his smile warm up my body. And a huge smile also grew on my face making the moment even more wonderful.

The Murder Diaries Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora