16 year old Elena probably has the best life she could have ever wished for. She has the bestest friends ever that would be there for her whenever she would need them. She also is filthy rich and has the best parents she could ever wish for. But bes...
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Elena's P.O.V
I suddenly open my eyes. I'm somewhere I never expected to be. My body slowly leads me to Damon's front porch. As my foot steps onto the porch I notice Damon sitting in a rocking chair staring at the ground creepily. "How the hell did I get here?!" I yell confusingly. There is a silence for a moment. Damon is still staring at the ground not moving a muscle. He slowly looks up at me and suddenly a flash of panic rush through his blue eyes. I cock my head in confusion. "Turn around Elena." He whispers. I freeze feeling my heart beating faster. I was to scared to turn around but my body dragged me. Standing there was a face a reconized. Stefan had 2 guns up to my head. Before I could speak he suddenly interrupts me- "Don't trust anyone." and there is a loud bang that echo's loudly.
I wake up to the loud annoying buzzing of my alarm clock. Today was the day that I was going to change.I slowly get up feeling the urge to flop back down into bed but I fight it. I walk into the bathroom and notice someone different. This girl had a straight hair without a pink stripe in her hair. This girl was not wearing a filthy rich outfit but a normal outfit like any other kid would wear.I stare at this girl thinking if I should just go back to normal but I knew that I needed to get Stefan back. I walked down the steps and grabbed an apple. I had forgotten that my family was out of town for Stefan and I. The thought of Stefan made my eyes tear up. I washed it away and put on the Elena confident face.
As I am about to open my car door, I feel a rush of anxiety. I never felt like this before. As I get out of my car with my hands trembling I feel everyones eyes turn to me. I walked into the school looking straight ahead and keeping a smile on my face. I finally reach my locker feeling as if I just walked on a runway.The only thing that I needed to do was fix my personality. I walked over to Stefans locker which was only a couple lockers away. There he was, looking into his mirror combing through his thick auburn hair. I stare for a moment admiring him. "Hey Stefan you have a surprise!" I hear some random voice yell. He turns toward me and his smile fades. I walk over to him reciting the website that told me how to be nice over and over again in my head. "Hey, Stefan listen I'm really sorry." I said sympathetically.He looked down as if he didn't believe me. I had to try harder. "When you told me that I was a brat, you were right. You really helped me realize that life isn't just about me, it's about caring about my loved ones so I decided that I'm going to change because I love you Stefan." I say as if I'm giving a speech. He looks up at me his eyes filled with hope. "And I always will." I add. I slowly lean in to where our lips are almost touching and I wait for him to lean in. He pauses for a second but leans in. It was so good to have the feel of his lips back on mine. He smelt like cinnamon and his face was as soft as a blanket. I surprisingly pulled back and smiled at him. He smiled back, his white teeth glimmering in the ray of sunlight that was hitting him. "I love your new look Elena." He says while rubbing my face. "Thank you." I say while giggling. He looked surprised to hear that I actually said thank you instead of "I know right" or "Duh". I feel a pair of eyes watching me and a shiver goes down my spine. "Are you ok?" He asked concerning. "Yeah." I say while looking around.
I walk to class with my smile still plastered on my face. I feel everyones surprised looks on me when I walk into the class. "Good morning mr Stricklin." I say politely. I hear quiet gasps and Mr Stricklin stuttering for a response. "Good.. morning.. Elena..." he says confusingly. As I sit down confidently I hear whispers behind me. I surprisingly feel myself blush. Stefan walks in with a strange look on his face. As his eyes meant mine he smiled but through that smile I saw some sort of evilness. I knew that Stefan was not evil so I brushed it away. Then of course Damon walks in last. He looks over at me and then looks quickly away. I roll my eyes at him. He needed to find something better to do than stalk me. As the class started mr Stricklin started with his usual boring lessons. I suddenly grew so bored that I had to leave the room. I raised my hand politely and actually didn't blurt anything out. "Yes Elena?" he asked. "May I go to the bathroom?" I asked. Before he could respond Stefan suddenly yelled out loud- "May I go too?". Suddenly the whole classroom started "oooohhhing" I felt my cheeks grow red. "Elena can only go because god only knows what will happen if you go with her." he said sarcastically. I felt Stefan's face turn red. "Please." He said while grinding his teeth. "Mr Salvatore what did I say." said Mr Stricklin firmly. I noticed the whole class trying to hold in their laughter. Suddenly there was a kissing noise in the back of the room. I turned around and glared at whoever it was. "You may go Elena." he says calmly. I walk out of the room awkwardly and still notice Stefan's face bright red.
I finally got fresh air and started to head back to the classroom. Suddenly there was a pop behind me. "Hello?" I asked nervously. No response. I slowly started walking again. I was feet away from the classroom and I heard screams from multiple people. I froze feeling my heart beat faster. I ran towards the classroom and opened the door quickly. I suddenly felt my body go limp and my heart stop. "What the hell..." I whispered.