Chapter 1: The Brat

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Elena's P

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Elena's P.O.V

 I walk down the sidewalk staring at the dark, shady neighborhood. I was trying to convince myself not to go down that neighborhood but I did it anyway. As I stare at the houses with my big chocolate brown eyes wide open I hear a loud buzz. I jump up the highest I have probably ever jumped. But I realized it was just my phone blowing up with texts. As usual. I laughed at myself and started walking again still feeling a little intimidated. I passed a tall dark, dark brown house that had pieces of plaster falling off. I shivered at the sight. I walked faster hoping that my neighborhood sign would come up sooner or later.I wondered if I anyone I knew lived in this house. I felt sorry for them. Suddenly there is a very loud noticeable pop. I freeze unable to breath. I was to scared to move or speak. I looked intently making sure no one was going to kill me. I have watched to many horror movies. "Hey Elena." says a familiar voice. I turn around sharply realizing who it is. I feel my face turn bright red with anger. "FOR THE LAST TIME DAMON LEAVE ME ALONE! IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU! I'M TAKEN BY STEFAN SO BE JEALOUS!" I blurted without thinking. He stared at me and blinked hard. "number one I have no feelings for you and number 2 I'm not here for YOU. You were in my way." He said calmly. I almost believe him for a second. Then I laugh a little to hard. "Haha! Ya right!" I yell in his face while pushing him out of the way. I start strutting up the street and notice my neighborhood. I look behind me and he was gone. As I finally reach my street I sigh with relief. There it was, the best neighborhood in the whole town. I noticed Stefan's house then Bonnie's house and then Caroline's house. I smiled thinking about how great my friends and boyfriend are. Then I notice my house. My house was very tall and long with white plaster and grey and white bricks. The bright Halloween decorations especially made it stand out. I spotted my room with the gigantic balcony. As I walked up to the door I noticed all the 6 of our car's were gone. As I opened the door I smelt my favorite, Mashed Potatoes. When the door opens all the way I smile the biggest smile I have had all day. It was Stefan holding the mashed potatoes with a chef hat on that said happy anniversary. 

"Oh my god Stefan!" I yell with excitement. He smiled back at me with his green eyes sparkling. "I made your favorite!" He said happily. I squealed and gave him a gigantic hug. I pulled away and put my hands on his face. I could feel him shiver. "I love you." I whispered. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "Come to the kitchen Ms Gilbert." He said while taking my hand. "Ok mr Salvatore!" I giggle with excitement. His soft hands cover my eyes.He brings me into the kitchen and stops. "Ready?" He said while smiling. "Duh!" I squealed jokingly. He lifted his hands and I saw a dream come true. My kitchen was decorated beautifully with a happy anniverary banner and ribbons hanging of the walls. On our table it looked like there was a whole buffet.There was a huge cake that said "Happy Anniverary!" I laughed with happiness. There were candles light around the table. When I dozed out of my thoughts I noticed Stefan was offering me a chair. "Here you go." He said politely. I sat down with butterflies in my stomach. He sat down across from me. He smiled at me and then took the Ham and cut us both a piece. We ate awkwardly not knowing what to say. He gazed at me the whole time. " Erm.. So where is my family?" I ask interrupting the silence. "They actually were in on this and helped decorate so they left to go spend the night at a hotel." he said while his eyes twinkled. I jumped up with excitement. "Stefan why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled. "I forgot!" He said. "Well come on then!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of his chair. "Elena shouldn't we finish dinner?" He asked slowly. "No this is more important than dinner Stefan! It's our Anniversary we should be... Having a moment together!" I screamed excitingly. Before he could speak I pushed him into a wall and kissed him. Minutes later he pulled away. He had hurtfullness in his eyes. "Elena... I made that whole dinner for you and you don't even care about it?!" He yelled in my face. "I...Stefan.... I" I stuttered realizing what I had done. He started to turn bright red. "Come on Stefan this is more fun anyway." I said quietly. His eyes suddenly shattered. He stormed past me and grabbed his shirt and walked swiftly out the room. As I chased him to my front door he stopped. "Elena you need to realize what you have become... Im probably the only one who is brave enough to say this to you but your a brat." He said sharply. I feel my body suddenly start to sink as if im in quicksand. Before I can speak he slams the door. I fall onto the coach crying. My tears burned my face. But I deserved this because he was right, I have become a spoiled brat

Damon's P.O.V

I sit on the porch of my old rusty boarding house. I stare at the trees blowing elegantly in the wind. Just like Elena. I thought dreamily. I stopped my daydreaming for a second realizing what I just thought. I ran my fingers through my thick black hair. Elena is taken and you don't deserve her. I say repeatingly in my head. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a tall Chesnut headed girl walking up my street. Of course, it was Elena. I raced behind my tree just feet away from the sidewalk. I can finally see her face and it looks petrified. Her round dark brown eyes wide with fear. Suddenly I spot someone behind a tree a couple feet away from me. He had a gun and was aiming straight for Elena. I ran towards him but accidentally stepped on a twig. The person with the gun looked at me then ran off into the woods. I ran up behind Elena without thinking. As I stand I realized that I was behind her and she was not going to be happy. "Hey Elena". I say awkwardly. She turns around and the first impression I get from her is that she is definitely not happy to see me. "FOR THE LAST TIME DAMON LEAVE ME ALONE! IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU! I'M TAKEN BY STEFAN SO BE JEALOUS!" She suddenly blurts out. I stare at her for a moment watching her face turn bright red. I had no idea why I was here. "number one I have no feelings for you and number 2 I'm not here for YOU. You were in my way." I lie. I see a flicker of consideration in her eyes but then it just turns back to anger. I feel humiliation inside myself. "Haha! Ya right!" she yells. She turns around dramatically and struts up the street. I examen her for a second but then run back to my old rotted house.

Later that night after I had taken a hot, steamy shower I decide to check on Elena. Whoever that person was, they obviously wanted to kill her. Even though she hated me, I knew I had to protect her no matter what. I finally reached Elena's street. I felt as if I don't belong here.Everyone here was considered upper class.  As I pass the luxurious houses I notice Elena's house. Her house was the biggest one on the street. Her house was beautifully built and had a garden covered with light and dark colors of flowers. I see that all the lights in the house are turned off except one room. I see a figure of a girl who looked like she was on top of someone. As I climb up to the balcony I suddenly hear yelling and arguing.  "Elena... I made that whole dinner for you and you don't even care about it?!" I heard a man yell. I suddenly saw Elena's shadow slouch down. "I...Stefan.... I" I heard her stuttering.It went silent for a second. I wondered if something had happened so I moved closer to the window looking for a crack to look through. When I found the crack I looked through and I saw the must hurtful looks from Stefan and Elena that I have ever witnessed in my life.  "Elena you need to realize what you have become... Im probably the only one who is brave enough to say this to you but your a brat." he says loudly and clearly. He slams the door shut and I watch Elena fall onto the couch heartbroken. Watching her their made my heart split in two. I suprisingly felt a tear rushing down my face. But maybe Stefan was right, Elena was a brat sometimes. I notice Elena looks up from under the pillow and her face was miserable. Her eyes were puffy and swollen and her beautifully done makeup had smeared. Suddenly my elbow hits the glass door and she turns swiftly towards the window without blinking. She just sat there for a moment without a movement coming from her body but finally started walking over. I tried to make my body leave but it wouldn't budge. But I think part of me wanted to stay here and comfort elena. As I saw the doorknob turn, My body suddenly climbed onto the roof. As I pulled my dangling leg up I heard her soft voice say: "Hello?" 

Elena's P.O.V

I suddenly hear a very loud and noticeable knock on the window. I freeze while my hands are trembling. I sit there for a moment considering wether to go to the door or not. But my body leads me to the door and I open slowly not knowing what would happen next. But as it opens all the way, No one is there. "Hello?" I ask. No answer. I sigh a big sigh of relief and walk back in.

I plop onto my bed and stare at my big chandilier that was making the whole room glisten. This had probably been the worst day of my life. I grabbed a pillow from under me and slammed it into my face. I sat there sobbing for what seemed like hours. As the last tear streams down my face I start to calm down. I think about what Stefan had said. The memory flooded through my brain over and over again. I decided that tomorrow Im going to change it. Tomorrow i'm not going to be that selfish spoiled girl i'm gonna be the real Elena.And I'm going to get Stefan back forever.

The Murder Diaries Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora