Little Sister Special

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Hai guys! Today, I have reached 10k views on this Exo Fanfic, Little Sister. I sincerely thank you for all the readers out there who are reading this book.

I am glad that a lot of you are enjoying this book that I had started maybe a year or two ago. I was in a small hiatus for a while before being active again and starting to write more chapters. I will try to update as much as I can with the story, I promise.

As a present for all the readers who helped me reach the 10k mark, I present to you a special chapter that is not a part of the actual story of the book. It just a chapter about the characters, so I hope you like this special. Thank you again for all the readers who are enjoying this book!

Oh! By the way, if you guys need a fanfic to read, my friend is writing a story, an EXO Fanfic. It is called The Red String Of Fate by yozoranight_ and unexpectedplanets . Have fun reading both this special and the new book my friend's made.


How did the Cha Generation begin?

Elementary School~

It was a new elementary school year, the school is bustling with kids with their parents saying 'Goodbye Sweetie' or 'Have fun, son'.

"Goodbye Cha Jin-ah. Have fun with school! Remember to make friends!" Cha Jin's mom said at loud while waving her hand to the running 1st grade Cha Jin.

Cha Jin tried to look for her room as she walked through the hallway passing many different classrooms. She had finally found her own classroom and entered. Once she went in, many different kids were all around the place, drawing or running around the room.

As Cha Jin was walking towards an empty seat, a young girl around her age had bumped into her. "Ah-I'm sorry" a shy, young Ae Cha apologized.

"I-It's okay." Cha Jin answered, accepting her apology. Ae Cha looked up and saw Cha Jin's tag, "oh your name also has 'Cha' in it." Cha Jin nodded. "Yeah, I don't know why my parents had to name me Cha Jin." Cha Jin replied, looking at her name tag.

"Why what's wrong with it? I like your name because my name has 'Cha' in it too! My names Ae Cha!" Ae Cha happily beamed while showing her nametag. "I-I guess it's a cool name." Cha Jin stuttered.

"Anyways, don't worry your name is not the only one with 'Cha' in it." Ae Cha said as she grabbed Cha Jin's hand and went out of the classroom. "What do you mean?" Cha Jin asked, confused on the situation.

Ae Cha didn't answer her question and just continued running in the hallway looking for a classroom. When she found the classroom she was looking for, she entered the class, catching everyone's attention, but that attention was gone in a flash as the other kids continued what they were doing.

Three girls stood in front of Ae Cha and greeted her. "Hi Ae Cha, what are you doing here?" they all beamed a smile towards Ae Cha.

"I found another girl with the 'Cha' in her name!" she answered excitedly. The other 3 looked at her, then looked in back of her to find a girl with her nametag. They all looked closer to her nametag and found out that she was named Cha Jin.

"Ohhhh!" they all said together, facing Cha Jin. "So your name has 'Cha' in it too? That's great!" One of the three girls said. Then she started introducing the herself plus the other two.

"Hello! My name is Mae Cha, this two are Bong Cha and Eun Cha" Mae Cha said as the she pointed at the other two. "Hello!" Bong Cha and Eun Cha waved.

Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now