Running Man (Final)

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(r/m/m). This thing means the running man member who you signed the paper to.
Enjoy :3

After you signed (r/m/m), he cheered soo loud because he gets the special price that the PD didn't say.

He gave the signed paper to the PD as the PD agreed. Every one else were sad because they didn't win the special price.

"The special present was to have dinner with her......" the PD started explaining. "-wait who is she again?" Ji Suk Jin asked. "She's EXO's little sister" Yoo Jae Suk replied

"Anyway your not only eating with her but you get to eat with EXO too. Also you could hang out with them like shopping, talking and more" the Pd explained. Everyone was jealous of (r/m/m).

(r/m/m) was cheering so bad as the others clap. CUT. All the directors were packing the cameras while the members are preparing to go home.

(r/m/m) was asking if you were ready. "What restaurant are we having dinner?" he/she asked. You just shrugged and told him/her you don't know. (r/m/m) went where the PD is and asked him what restaurant are you two going. "Theres this restaurant in Cheongdamdong street called Chakraa and i'll send you the address right now." he said.

Meanwhile, you were thinking. 'should i invite the other running man members?' you asked yourself. You still had the black card Mr.Lee Soo Man gave you. Though, he said that you can have it so you really thanked him so much for giving you the card that has no limits.

You walked towards the other running man members. "You guys could come with us if you guys have time" you suggested.  "Really?" they asked all together. "Yup....dont worry i'll take care of the bill" you told them as they agreed to come with you and (r/m/m).

You and all the running man members started going to the place where you, the running man members, and your EXO oppas are going to eat for dinner.

You arrived at the restaurant. People were screaming so loud because of the presence of the running man members. Everyone took pictures of them. While the running man members were walking in the middle of the crowd, you were trying to not get seen with the running man members.

Since gary was the last one to go in, he realized you were not with them. "Hyung, where is the girl?" he asked Yoo Jae Suk. Yoo Jae Suk also tried looking for you. Everyone started whispering.

"Who are they talking about?", " Who is the girl?", " Theres a girl with them....who?". You hear this whispers as you face palmed your face. 'This is going to be a big topic in the internet isn't? ' You thought as you nodded.

As you were panicking, your EXO oppas arrived at the restaurant. 'Finally....' you thought. Your EXO oppas saw the running man members trying to look for something. Then Tao spotted you hiding. 'What is stargirl doing?' he thought.

You saw Tao looking at you but then fans were crowding them. 'Finally a chance to go inside' you thought. While everyone was going to EXO side, you went in.

The running man went to your direction. "Where have you been?" Song Ji Hyo asked. "Hm....i ... the restroom" You lied.

You heard your EXO oppas coming towards the big table you were going to eat for dinner. "Oh!" you have to call your parents to let them know your coming home late. It was friday anyway.

"Mom im going to come home late" you told her. "Where are you?" she asked. "Im having dinner with the running man members. Can you believe that mom?" you told her excitedly. " long as you come safe its fine" she said. "Okay.." you told her again excitedly. "Ohh....have fun" she told you excitedly too.

You ended the call. "Whats for dinner?" you asked the running man members and your EXO oppas. They all shrugged not knowing what to order. "You guys can order whatever you guys want" you told them with a smile.

They all looked at the menu and they started ordering one by one. You ordered your favorite meal. You all ate your dinner and talked about things. You talked about your school, celebrities, and more.

After you were all done eating the bill came. All of the running man members and your EXO oppas jumped up to give the card to the waiter. They were all fighting on who should pay.

You took out your black card and started walking near the waiter without being caught and gave the waiter your card. He took it and went back to the counter.

They were all still fighting about whos going to pay. You first laughed and stopped them. "Hey need to fight....i already paid for it." you told them. "What!" they all exclaimed. You just nodded and said it was okay.

They put their card back to their wallet and waited for your card to come. When the waiter was coming, you ran to him and took the card. 'They still dont know i have a black card' you thought.

"Thanks for the dinner!!!!" they all exclaimed. After the dinner you all waved goodbye to each other.

This is the final running man. Sorry you had to wait for a long time....

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