Chapter 1: One More Day

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A platinum blond boy was crying on his bed on July 1, 1993. He was crying because his parents were fighting and they didn't understand him. He sat sobbing on his bed until his mother called for dinner.

"Draco, come for supper." He quietly walked toward the dining room and sat at his place at the table. No words were spoken during the meal. Draco was excused and went to his room. He sat there thinking to himself. He felt very introverted, like he was alone. He decided to go to the kitchen for a small snack before bed.

When he reached the kitchen, or the cooking chambers as he liked to call it, the house elves were cleaning and preparing for bed. When they saw Draco enter the room they immediately stopped what they were doing and in sync said "Master Draco, what would you like?" He sneered at them and grabbed the first thing he saw, a green apple.

But this was no ordinary apple, this was a magic apple. On the way to his room, Draco looked admiringly at the apple and polished it. When he got there, he was fully prepared to eat it. He brought the apple to his lips and began to dig his teeth into the smooth flesh of the magnificent apple. But before he could do much damage, he heard a small cry.

He pulled away, looking around in a confused manner. He heard the light, airy voice cry out again, barely making the words out. "Please, please do not eat me." He looked at the apple curiously. He almost asked it a question, then he felt very dumb. Apples couldn't talk, Draco knew that. He also knew that someone could enchant almost anything to do almost anything. But he didn't understand why anyone in his house would want to charm an apple to talk.

The more he thought about it the more he got confused. He even wondered if someone had used the confundus charm on him. Eventually he came to the conclusion that, for some strange reason, someone had enchanted the apple to speak.

He opened his mouth to ask the apple who had charmed it, then closed it again quickly. What if a house elf heard, or worse his parents? If he was wrong about this they'd surely send him away to St. Mungo's.

After a while, he finally decided to take a chance and talk to the apple. "Um... Who ch-" he was interupted by an owl swooping into his room with a letter. The sudden action spooked him and he jumped. Apparently it spooked the apple too and it let out a high pitched scream.

He looked at the apple in surprise, but also in releif. He was glad he wasn't just delusional, or maybe he was, but he didn't care, beacuse he had finally found a companion. He looked at the letter quickly and saw it was from his friend Nova.

He opened the letter and started to read it. Before he could finish the first paragraph, he heard loud footsteps rushing towards his room. He immediately shoved Nova's letter in his school trunk and threw the apple on his bed. In what seemed like lightning speed, Draco grabbed some summer homework and began to do it.

His father came into his room with a face full of rage very prominent on his pale features. Draco struggled to think of what happens when you fail to wear propper gear when handling a mandrake. He unfortunately snatched his herbology parchment, his worst subject.

Lucius yanked Draco by the ear and pulled him up next to his face. Lucius had to bend down a little, because Draco was not tall enough to reach him yet, only being 13. He got up close to his sons face, breathing the same breath, seeing nothing but the pale green eyes that were clouded with fear.

"What is happening in here?" He said in a threatening voice. "I- I don't know what you're talking about father." "Don't pull that with me Draco! What was that noise?!" He, at last, let leash his anger with sound, yelling so loud that Draco thought that the house was shaking. "Uh..." He stuttered glancing at the apple, not sure if he should tell the truth and get his only companion in years stripped away from him, or lie and get the life beat out of him.

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