Chapter 5: Five More Seconds

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"Oh come on Draco, really?" Nova said, exasperated. "You can't think of one single happy memory?" Draco was having a very tough time trying to produce a patronus. He couldn't think of a happy memory at all. "No, other than when I met Apple. But I tried that already." "Okay, think of a powerful memory." She replied.

Nova and Druna were trying to teach Draco the patronus charm. So far the results were nothing to lift their sorrow moods. Druna had almost given up. Nova had several times, but kept coming back to make him try again.

"Expecto Patronum!" A glistening stream of silver light came out of his wand. He did this several times until a slight figure came out. The trio decided to do their patronuses at the same time.

A zebra, a small bear-like creature, and a ferret apperared in front of them. "Ferret Bueller." Nova and Druna said together. "What?" Draco asked. "Nothing... its a muggle thing."

Draco looked thoroughly confused. After a moment he shook his head and thought about his freinds crazy lives.

"You did it!" They screamed excitedly at him.


In the great hall that night at dinner, Draco and Apple shared their first kiss. This is how it happened:

Draco was finishing his treacle tart and enjoying the company of his friends. Apple looked at him and said. "Do you really love me Draco?" "Of course my love." Draco responded without hesitation. He leaned over and kissed her on the stem. It lasted for quite a while until the other Slytherins at the table shouted at them to 'get a room'. Druna seemed thrilled, Nova had the same bored expression as before. Blaise and Shane looked like they could care less. But to Draco and Apple this was the most wonderful thing.

They continued to be giddy the rest of the day. Draco was almost too elated to sleep, but eventually he fell into slumber. He was still extremely joyous in the morning. Draco and Apple talked all the way to the great hall. They sat down at the Slytherin table for breakfast.

He heard a "psst" behind him. "Yes?" He asked, knowing who it was. "You know if you wear this Ravenclaw scarf-" Nova said before being cut off by Druna. "You and Apple can sit over here with us." She continued for her friend with a weak smile. They already knew the answer. "Tomorrow." This may seem a bit nice for a Malfoy, but he has been saying "Tomorrow." for the last two years. He turns back to Apple. "Happy Anniversary, sweetheart." Apple was mute to the others, but to Draco she said. "Happy Anniversary, babe. I love you." A tear dropped down his face. That was the first time she had ever said that. "I love you too." He replied.

From across the hall he heard a familiar blood traitor burst out. "BLOODY HELL! HE'S IN LOVE WITH A BLOODY APPLE!" That was quickly followed by a "Hush Ronald." From Granger.

"It's us against the world, Apple." He hated that she had to experience how cruel the world was. If only he wasn't so captivated by her perfect, green skin and glossy, rounded shape. If it weren't for him she could have a normal life of a normal apple. "How sweet." Said  both Nova and Druna at the same time. He secretly smiled, but it was bittersweet to hear. Not everyone was so stubborn to accepting their love, but at the same time, he didn't want to hear it from them. They didn't understand. No one did.

"My father will hear about this." He muttered under his breath, but he didn't mean it. He never did. His father was a cruel, cruel man, and Draco hated him.


"Hello, Draco." Said Pansy Parkinson very sophisticatedly. "Pansy." He said condescendingly, pulling Apple slightly towards his face to ward her off if she was planning to try to flirt with him again. "You're looking...hungry. Odd considering you've had an apple in your hand for the last two months." "Four months and two days, thank you very much." "You must be tired of having to hold such a weight in your-" "How dare you? Apple is beautiful, and well, it's not like you'd know anything of that sort. Would you parkinson?" "I believe in innner beauty. Does your girlfriend have that? Well, we might as well look and see. Accio Apple." Apple jumped from Draco's clutch, silently screaming, while Draco was screaming not silently and rather high pitched.


"Ew! I'd say your apple's gone a bit...rotten" She tossed Apple back, and Draco fell to his knees. pale faced and weak, he let out a gut wreching, blood curling, eardrum shattering scream. "NOOOO!"

He stood as soon as he regained his train of thought.

Madam Pomfrey-she can help! But Apple would count as a plant. Professor Sprout can use some charms, or maybe she wouldn't count as a plant since she's been plucked from the tree. Kitchen elves definitely-NO. What am I thinking? It's DEFINITLEY Madam Pomfrey.

He rushed to the hospital wing. He ran into Potter, who - by Draco's knowledge - was going to make a smart remark about him. Now, Draco was in a full out sprint and didn't have a moment to spare, but for Potter he could spare a millisecond. He stopped mid-stride and decked Harry in the face as hard as he could.

He finally made it to the double doors in front of the hospital wing. A recovering patient was in the doorway, so obviously the only path was to flip him out of the way and make some roomfor urgent matters. "Someone HELP! I'M LOSING HER! I-" "MR. MALFOY! That was completely unnecessary, and-" "Where's Madam Pomfrey? Apple-she's-I-HELP!" "Give me that." Professor McGonagall snatched the apple. "Repairo. Here. Now maybe a couple of detentions will teach you not to almost murder another student. I can't beli-" Draco embraced his professor. "Give me the years detention, I don't care. You saved the love of my life." "Oh-okay. Um...three weeks of detention." She said stunned. "Deal!"

Just then Nova and Druna burst through the doors. Nova was rolling in laughing, while Druna looked like she had gotten a bad case of boils. "What in Merlin's name happened?!" Shouted Madam Pomfrey. "She-ha-she-" Nova struggled to even get her words out. "I'm allergic to cats!" Cried Druna. "Oh dear." Said Madam Pomfrey. She rushed Druna to bed.

Nova abruptly stopped laughing. "Draco, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" She lifted up his arm as if that would reveal the problem. "No!" He stated forcefully, snatching his arm away. "You don't have to be so salty Malfoy. Why are you in here then?" "Pansy, she...She took a bite of Apple." Nova gasped. "That biotech." "Biotech?" "Long story. Is Apple alright?" His face became relieved. "Yes I think she is." Nova was hesitant to reply. "That's...that's good." She smiled. "That's great. Anyway, I better check on Druna." She walked back to her friend, beginning. to laugh again. Apple gave her a suspicious stare then looked back to Draco. "What?" "Wh-oh. We're just friend-acquaintances. Just acquaintances." He looked up to Nova and back to Apple. "Yeah." Then he gave Apple a peck on the stem and left her on the bed. As he left, he could have sworn he saw Nova watch him go.


When Draco woke up the next morning his first thought was Apple. What if she's not okay? What if she hated him? What if she forgave him, but shouldn't have? He didn't do anything wrong though. Did he? How could he make up for this? Then his mind shifted to when he first fell for Apple. When he put that spell on her so long ago, to keep her alive for as long as he was living and breathing. That reminded him of how strong and unbreakable their bond was. What had driven their love out of his mind, if only for a second? They would be eternally in love.

Maybe our forever should start now. Thought Draco. His thoughts were interrupted by Shane. "GET UP DRACO. YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS BEFORE I COME IN THERE AND JUMP ON YOU!" Five more seconds, Draco thought. Five more seconds of peace.


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