Chapter 4: Four More Months

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"The days are long and the nights are short. Holding you is what keeps me sane. You stay with me even though I'm a dork. I hope that everything will be the same. Until the very end." Shane Lawrence-Hart heard an off-key voice singing a made up song with lame lyrics.

He burst open the door to his room and saw an interesting sight.

Draco Malfoy was standing on his bed with his shirt off, hair askew, wearing muggle swimming trunks, horribly playing the ukulele with one hand. In his other hand was Apple. He was singing this heartfelt song to his love.

Shane fell on the floor and laughed his ass off. Draco automatically threw the ukulele on his bed, fixed his hair, and gently laid Apple on his pillow. He looked at Shane and glared at him in a way that would make Voldemort tremble in fear. He grabbed his Slytherin crest shirt and covered up his beautiful skin.

After Shane finally composed himself, he got off the floor and shook his head at Draco. "It seems I've come in at the wrong moment. I guess that I will be studying in the common room today. I will see you two at supper."

After Shane left, Draco put a spell on the door that a simple 'Alohomora' could not penetrate. He then ripped off his shirt and grabbed some tape he stole from a first year muggle-born Hufflepuff. He took a long piece of tape and attached the ends together, creating double-sided tape. He then took his lazily made double-sided tape and stuck it on his stomach. He did this several times with different pieces of tape until he had a large portion of his higher abdomen covered. He then took the ukulele and attached it to his tape-covered midriff.

Once he had securely placed the ukulele, he played a few notes (rather badly at that) and did a few head bangs to get in the mood. Then he picked up Apple and began to sing am improvisational song to the time of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".

"What are you? I know what you are. You're my love, and you have my heart. There is nothing else to it. Just the love I have for you. Won't you say you love me too." He sang badly and off-key, but managed to keep the tune the whole time.


"Shut up heaven!" "Yeah, just shut up Heaven." "Go away, you're such a bummer." "Get out of here Hufflepuff, go to your own table, with your loser friends." Draco heard the rude words of his fellow Slytherin house being thrown at Heaven Bullocks, a random Hufflepuff girl who drools over Cedric Diggory.

He felt sorry for her, he knew that she probably didn't mean any harm. But his sympathy didn't last long, for he remembered what happened on the train. She obviously wasn't very observant.

She walked away from the table, quite sassily. Nova and Druna got up as well. Druna waved goodbye and followed heaven to the Hufflepuff table. Nova said sorry, waved at Blaise and Draco, glared at Shane and walked away. Blaise looked at her strangely. No one could read this look, it could only be described as 'interesting' or 'weird'.

Draco sat down at the Slytherin table. "What did she do?" He asked about Heaven. "Nothing, just... it's a long story." Blaise answered. Draco left it at that and picked up his fork and dug into his food. He soon felt the lingering eyes of two different people. He searched the great hall and did not find anyone looking at him. The he looked beside him and saw Shane staring at him with a notorious Slytherin smirk on his face.

"So about earlier..." Shane started. "Oh shut up Lawrence." Draco said. Then he tuned him out and enjoyed his treacle tart.


Draco and Apple were were sitting at the shore of the Black Lake. They were watching the students jump and swim and splash around. Draco and Apple were laughing at some Hufflepuffs screaming because the water was cold.

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