Chapter 6: You Must Lose to Gain

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In potions that day, all Draco could think about was what he was going to do later: He would walk to the hospital wing, snatch Apple up, kiss her passionately, explain exactly what he thought of when he woke up, then, finally, he would- "ACHOO!" Crabbe shouted.

Everyone's eyes darted toward Druna and Nova, including Snape. They were known for sneaking miscellaneous objects into their bags. For a moment they played it off like they knew nothing. Druna soon gave in. "I'm sorry sir. I saw a lily on the grounds and it reminded me of home, so I plucked it. I'm so sorry." She pulled out a beautiful white and pink flower.

Snape snatched the flower. He pointed it in her face. "If you bring one more out of term item into this classroom I will have you cleaning up Peeves' messes with Mr. Filch - and Mrs. Norris - for the rest of the year!" Her face was red and her eyes began to fill with water. She never got into trouble. Draco felt bad for her, but under the pressure of it all, he laughed - as did the whole of the Slytherin potions students.

Snape turned ans started towards his desk. He took a few steps then stopped and turned  his head. "Where did you get this flower?" "Just somehwere on the grounds, sir." She said, confusedly. "Did you have permission from the game keeper?" "No sir." She replied, growing distraught. "Well then, ten points from Gryffindor."

Nova knew what Druna would say, and warningly shook her head. It didn't work. "Um, Proffesor, I'm in Ravenclaw." Squeaked the girl. "Did a Gryffindor stop you from taking the flower?" "No." "Then, that house plays a part in the guilt of this act." He explained. "I suppose so, but-" "Do not argue. I will deal with you after class." With that he whipped around and strutted back to his desk.

The rest of potions was silent (minus sniffles and sobs from Druna). When class was dismissed Draco was almost sprinting toward the door."NOT so fast, Mr. Malfoy." Snapped Snape. Draco stopped. "I don't have time for this. I'm in a tad of a rush." He replied angrily. "Your personal time management concerns are of no importance to me. Besides, your father says it is urgent you receive this message. You have been spending too much time with the blood traitors you call friends. And especially  too much time and effort with that apple. He says that something is coming soon. You will be uplifted when it does. Do not be caught with the wrong sorts. If you do, he says you will be on the train home to experience a new kind of pain, never to return to Hogwarts. Personally, I think if you're caught he should burn that apple, but who's to say he won't?" Draco listened reluctantly. "Okay, whatever." He lazily replied. He shot out the door.

On his way to the hospital wing, he ran straight into Druna and Nova.  "Hey guys, guess where I'm going!" He said, growing even more excited. "The hospital wing." They said at the same time. "But, you don't know what I'm doing. It's terrific! I'm going to propose to Apple. EEK!" They seemed more stunned than words could explain.

"Oh... My... GOSH!" Shouted Druna, growimg angrier than ever. Draco became afraid. Any woman who became angry was a force to be reckoned with, but these two hardly ever got angry. It was terrifying. "How DARE you?!?!?!" She continued. "You are way too young, way too immature, and way too naive! If your mother knew."  Draco tried to reply, but he couldn't  hide his fear. "H-how dare yo-you?! Apple and I are!" Nova then extended her thumb and index finger, put the tip of her index finger to her temple and halfway bent her thumb. Draco did not recognize the gesture. "You clearly don't understand love." Said Nova, very disappointed in Draco. Draco retorted. "What do you know about love? I thought you of all people would understand. You've always stuck with us, both of you. What's changed?" His face swelled and water streamed from his broken eyes, and on his broken cheeks. "What's changes is that you don't know. I can see you. If you have to question it, it's not true." Said Druna. "You're a broken boy," Nova said. "It makes you do mad things." They sat in the silence a moment longer.

"Well," Said Draco. "If those few who I still consider to be friends think I'm mad..." His tiny, cold heart shattered as he said it. He looked up into their eyes, overflowing with tragedy, and took a moment to channel his Malfoy. "Maybe they're not worth having around." Druna fell into sobs and ran to the bathroom. Draco had to grit his teeth to keep from doing the same. There was a tense moment between Draco and Nova where they each stared at each other, each trying to break the other. Nova's hand was inching towards her wand, but in the end she followed in the steps of her friend. She couldn't break Draco. Like she said, he was a broken boy, and you can't break something that's already destroyed.

Draco made it to the hospital wing exhausted. He sat down on Apple's bed and let out a sigh. As Draco began to loosen his tie, Apple asked. "What's bothering you?" Draco looked at her. "Well I was talking to Nova and Druna about something I wanted to ask you, and, well, some things were said. All I can say is, I don't think we'll be talking to them in a while. "Oh good, I didn't want to say anything, but those girls are quite a bother nowadays." It hurt Draco to hear her say that. No matter what had gone down between them, the girls were great friends. They gave him the happy memories to produce his patronus, and they gave him all the joy one could ask for after a childhood of abuse. To hear one talk so ill of them made him have a funny feeling. Like he was unsure if that was the same Apple he knew before.

"What was it that you were going to ask me? You know, in the story." Draco began smiling. "I was-I was wondering..." He paused to take in the excitement of what he was about to do. "You were wondering..." Started Apple. Draco leaned in closer and looked at Apple hopefully. "Will you marry me?" She looked back at him with a similar expression.

"Will you turn me human?"

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