Chapter 11

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After our dance, I decide that it is time for a nice, refreshing shower. Gaven demonstrates how to operate the shower and then leaves me to my privacy. Alone at last, and knowing that I'm in a safe place, I'm comfortable enough to strip my clothes off.

The refreshing water splashes me all the while the sweet smell of strawberries cleanses me.

Done with my hygiene needs, I toss on a robe, and walk down the hall to the guest bedroom.

I slip on my panties, and a pair of regular old jeans, along with strapping on my bra and yanking a yellow tank top over my head.

Having caught sight of myself in a full length mirror, I can't help but grumble in repel. Wanting to evaporate the appalling girl from my eyes, I extend my arm in reach for the nearest breakable object, and slam it into the reflection that contains my image.

Heavy footsteps pound down the hallway. "Flora! Are you OK? What was that sound?" Gaven looks as if he might be sick.

"I got angry." That said, he sighs in relief. I don't question why he had been so worried.

"Well..." He seems to relax a little. "Maybe putting something in your stomach will make you happy."

* * * * *

The animal within me awakens as I gobble down a plate of scrambled eggs all the while dipping each bite in ketchup.

I realize Gaven is staring at me with a wide smile placed upon his lips, so I ask, "What are you looking at me for?'' With the grin still lingering on his stunning face, he leans across the counter and licks my upper lip.

"You had ketchup on your..." He seems to have forgotten his words.

"Mouth?" I suggest.

He nods.

"Well, uh, thanks for getting it off. That was um...romantic?" I say with a questioning tone.

"Yes it was." He grins, but then just like that, he looks a bit befuddled. Sudden beads of sweat glisten against his skin.

Pressing my hand to his cheek, I ask, "You OK Gaven?" His hot breath tickles my palm. As his inhaling deepens, he manages to say no, all the while his mouth begins to stretch, exposing teeth of sharpness.

Removing myself from the counter chair, I'm startled to hear a low rumbling growl tear up his throat.

Panicking, I say, "No, I can't lose you again. Stay with me, please." Backing into the wall, I holler Johny's name. Gaven throws his head back and howls in pain as he transforms into the monster he was never meant to be. Johny enters but halts in his steps, realizing that his brother is changing once more into something he fears.

It paralyzes me, the fear of his hungry teeth digging into my flesh to taste his desert.

"Flora! Get to safety now!'' Johny orders.

"I-I'm too scared. What if he..." Tears scamper down my cheeks, remembering the fact that blood is the cure to him shifting back into his human self.

Closing my eyes, I whisper a quick prayer, and wait for the unbearable sting of pain to overwhelm my body.

I hear the sound of a gun shot, which startles me. A whimper is followed. Opening my eyes, the monster that has possessed Gaven now lays crippled upon the kitchen floor. As Johny reaches for a knife and slits his wrist, I look towards the front door, wondering if the neighbors are aware from the loud shot, but no one comes pounding. Although he flinches at the sting, he does it once more so Gaven will be himself again. Droplets of his blood splatters against the floor next to where Gaven lays injured. His giant tongue licks hungrily at the tiny red puddle.

It's odd to watch as Gavens body hair digs itself back underneath the surface of his skin.

I reach out to run my hand over his bare back and murmur that it's all over, but his head jerks up, his gaze burning into my eye sight. He snaps at me with a furious growl. I jerk back with an emotion of fear.

He moans in agony as his teeth slowly form into normal state. The wound on his side appears disgustingly painful.

Gaven speaks, "Oh God it hurts! Flora, help me, help me to the bathroom."

As we leave, Johny busies himself with a knock at the front door.

Gaven slings his heavy arm over my shoulders, and wobbles with me. Plopping down on the toilet lid, he tells me where the first aid kit is placed.

He touches my wrist. "Flora..." Glancing up, I watch as they lay at the brim of his eyes, threatening to make themselves visible. "I could of hurt you. I'm sorry. I'm such a monster. It's ugly and hideous, this curse inside me."

"Hey," I say and lay my hand under his chin, "You didn't hurt me, OK?"

"But I could of, and it scares me to know that at any moment, I'll lose control."

Ugly is Beautiful  By: Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now