Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

After Zoey’s hurl, Cameron Lightning and I walked back to the cabins together. I stood in between them, just to make sure that Lightning wouldn’t try and pull anything.

For a while it was quiet, which I was grateful for. With these two, it was either fighting or silence.

“Poor Zoey, she really deserved to make it to the finale” Cameron said.

“Yeah, but hey, look on the bright side, now she gets to be with Mike, wherever that is” I said.

“But then if she was here, I wouldn’t get to beat your sorry butt before I take home the million” Lightning said poking Cameron which made him fall over. “Sha-win!”

“Hey, we all have a pretty equal shot at the million if you ask me” I said trying to keep everything on the same level.

“Ha, no way! I mean Jule, you, maybe. If it was against Cameron, but against me? I mean I wouldn’t annihilate you, but I’d definitely bring the million all the way home!” Lightning said.

“We live at the same home, so I guess technically, I’d be taking home the million too” I said.

“You know I’d buy you a nice thing here and there, but Lightning’s gonna buy a big ‘ol stadium when he wins!” Lightning said walking off.

This was the most cocky I’ve ever seen him, which is why I’m giving him a little lip. Sure he’s gotten over confident in his football games and stuff, even with video games we would play together he’d get competitive as hell, but I guess being this close to winning a million dollars, his ego and brain doesn’t really know how else to handle it.

“This isn’t over! I may be a little delicate, but I’ve still got what you athletic types refer to as “game” Cameron said.

“Yeah? Check this game!” Lightning said lifting a large log over his head; he then started to laugh “Lightning’s got it in the sha-bag!”

“Perhaps, but not if the final challenge is of an intellectual nature” Cameron said.

“Ha! As if” Lightning said tossing the log to the side “Total Drama finales are always physical! Hope you like juice, cause I’m gonna crush you like a grape!”

Cameron was shaky and gulped loudly again. Lightning just laughed in response.

I stood in between them again “Guys, can’t we just play nice? I mean, we get it. It’s gonna be a brains vs. brawn challenge for you two. You both have something nice, and lack something nice, let’s stop picking at each other and just get to the finale, alright?”

“Yeah, yeah whatever. This first challenge tomorrow will finish real quick Jule, then it’s just me and you to battle it out!” Lightning said walking off.

I looked to Cameron “Sorry he’s being…difficult. He’s never been this cocky!”

He shrugged “Lightning has an ego the size of a mountain, but a million dollars a few feet in front of him, and his ego then sky rockets”

“I just feel bad for you, I mean, you didn’t do anything bad to him, he’s just being a jerk” I said.

“I’ll be fine, like you said earlier, I may lack the brawn, but I have the brains. And sometimes, brains can be better than brawn”

I smiled “That’s the way to think of it”

“Just one thing, if this challenge is brains vs. brawn, what would your title be?” He asked.

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