Page 1: Rude

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[a few days earlier...]

So far, it's been a normal day here in the Building. Coffee's hot, and dreams are vivid. Had no dreams last night except for this really crazy one where me and Tseng were...ah, nevermind. Anyways, speaking of Tseng... I can tell somethings not right with him. He seems...distant. But then again, when is he not? It just looks like he's got this different 'aura' about him now. Like he's...sad? Well, I don't really want to bring it up on him, or else he might blow up and say it's nothing. Maybe Rude knows something about it. Oh yeah, I forgot; Rude is my partner. Buisness partner, I mean. He's this tall, beefed up man who's completely bald and wears shades. I asked him once why he always wears shades; even while indoors, but he never answered. Ah well. Doesn't exactly matter on my part. Me and Rude have been partners since...well...since I first joined. We've been through a lot. He used to have a girlfriend, but she left him for some odd reason. Don't know why, and never bothered to ask. It's been a very sensitive subject for him. I really don't want to ruin anything. Back to the topic of this morning, Rude suddenly came over out of nowhere next to my desk. "Reno." He simply said. Always count on Rude to be simple with everything. I turned around in my chair. "Oh hey, Rude. Building lights too bright for ya'?" I joked, noticing he was still wearing those dark shades of his.

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