Page 3: Losing a Friend

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"You know that one SOLDIER Oprative that went missing a while ago?" Rude implied. SOLDIER is this group of men belonging to Shinra that are all about combat. You know, like a real soldier. My face scruntched up, trying to remember. Apparently, Rude noticed my confusion and quickly added, "The one that was declared dead?" I thought for a moment, then the realization hit me like a slap to the face. A SOLDIER 1st class [There are 3 classes, 1st being the highest.] had gone missing a while ago, believed to be dead. I'm pretty sure his name was... "You mean Zack Fair? The 1st?" "That's the one." Unfortunatly, I got confused again. "What about him?" I clearly wasn't getting the picture, but luckily Rude was willing to explain. "Tseng of Zack's friends." My mind went blank for a second. Tseng had...friends??? "WHAT? He had FRIENDS???" "Calm down, Reno." My partner assured me. He knelt down a little to get at eye level with me. "It's true. Zack was Tseng's friend...and he went missing. That might be why our boss is acting up lately." I nodded slowly, understanding this new and shocking information. I've never lost a good friend before, but I can tell that it breaks one's heart. Even to the point where it effects your job as a Turk. Tseng or not Tseng. Rude eventually got back up and left my little cubicle. He obviously had work to do; don't we all? Anyways, I just could not wrap my head around Tseng actually having a friend he cared about. It just...doesn't seem like the Tseng we all know and take orders from.

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