Signs when End of the World

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Aries: "Fuck! This isn't fair!"

Taurus: "I haven't lost my virginity yet!"

Gemini: Sleeps through it

Cancer: Won't stop screaming

Leo: "But I'm not superstar yet!"

Virgo: "Why is it happening today? My hair looks good today!"

Libra: Blogging as it happens

Scorpio: "Finally."

Sagittarius: "There's so much more stupid shit I wanted to do man."

Capricorn: Spending their last minutes eating.

Aquarius: "Haha bitches, I predicted this exact thing would happen and you didn't listen. Now die. . . slowly, painfully.

Pisces: Can't even hear it going on because listening to music on maximum volume.


The Signs on The Bus

In the back way too turn and loud as hell: Aries, Gemini, Leo

Actually trying to get some work done: Virgo, Capricorn, Sagittarius

Sleeping so heavily others think that they're dead: Pisces

Most likely eating and making a mess out of that place: Taurus, Cancer

The bus driver counting the minutes until the ride is fucking over: Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio

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