Dating and Signs

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You live life in the fast lane and sometimes you can’t seem to find enough time for dating so you need someone that's a little patient.


When it comes to dating you have to learn to stray away from your usual type. Give someone different than what you’re used to a chance and you just might be surprised as to what you find.


When it comes to dating you’re unpredictable with your feelings and mood swings so it makes it difficult for anyone to communicate with you.


When it comes to dating sometimes you have to know when to say enough is enough and start putting yourself first. How can you make anyone else happy if you're not happy yourself?


When it comes to dating your words are a matter of pride. You don't have time to wait around and obsess over  people mixed messages either they care or they don't care.


When it comes to dating you have to know that the right person will come in your life when you least expect it. Sometimes you’re too picky for your own good.


When it comes to dating you are always on the giving side but you never seem to be on the receiving side in your relationships.


When it comes to dating you let your trust issues plague your relationships.  You always want to take on the world on your own and your partners in your relationships always end up feeling left out.


When it comes to dating you are very opinionated so your partner has to be able to handle that. You also have to be able to turn to your partner for help every once in a while which you don't like doing.


When it comes to dating you are very self-sufficient so anything you want you usually get it yourself.


When it comes to dating you can go from "I Love You" to being real distant. You can't handle being with someone that's too emotional because you got your own problems to deal with.


When it comes to dating you make the mistake of falling in love with the same kind of people over and over again. You have a certain type that you’re attracted to and it’s killing your chances at finding true happiness.

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