chapter 11~

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Chapter 11!

DX SORRY IT TOOK SOO LONG….I got writers block and I had to like redo the whole chapter and stuff….Anyways I hope you like it ^^

…and if you do comment, vote, and fav!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture is of Zack->

p.s. HAPPY (early) HALLOWEEN!!!

Chapter 11!

"Hi Leo!" I turn to face Dawn. It was weird, this was actually the first time I'd seen her at lunch.

"Hi, Umm Dawn?" Her big green eyes look up at me.

"Yes?" She says with a smile.

"Who do you usually sit with at lunch?" I ask her.

"Oh! Well you see I've never really been popular before, so I usually just sit by myself and read." She answers, still smiling I might add.

Guilt washes over me. "Want to come sit with me and my other friends?" Her already bright eyes light up more.

"That would be lovely!" I smile back at her and show her to the table.

"Guys this is Dawn, my friend." Dawn waves as they all look up.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Joe asks. We still haven't told him about Alex and me, I heard something about him not being able to keep a secret.

My face heats up, "N-no, just a friend."

Joe looks her over, "Oh really? Eh,  she's too cute for yah anyways Leo." he then goes back to stuffing his face with who knows what, so he doesn't get to the chance to see Dawn's face heat up like mine.

"So did you get on the newspaper?" Alex as we sit down, me next to Alex and Dawn on the other side.

"Oh, well when I went to sign up they said they already had enough people." She frowns a bit. "It's okay though, because I signed up for the photography club!"

"So you like photography?" Cherry asks taking a sip of water.

Dawn nods, "My family is pretty big on nature. I love to take as many pictures of it as I can!" She starts to go off into her day dreamy states.

"I like skateboarding." Joe says without even looking up. Cherry starts laughing.

"Joe since when did you start paying attention to what people like?"

"What? I can't share what I like to do?" He looks up defensively.

Cherry turns back to Dawn, "Well sweetheart you better watch out I think that dummy," She points to Joe, "just might have a little crush." Dawns face turns a little red.

"I DO NOT!" Joe yells quite loudly. An older student looks at our table and rolls her eyes.

"Aww Joey has a crush." Cherry taunts making the rest of us laugh some. Joe glares at Cherry while taking a bite of pizza.

I wonder if Cherry's right. I look back at Dawn, who's still blushing, then back at Joe, was now currently stabbing the poor pizza with a fork.

Alex had been unusually quite this whole time. I look over at him right as he does the same. He grins then goes back to his lunch, moments later he puts his hand on my leg and slowly moves it up.

"A-Alex..!" I whisper so the others can’t hear.

"Hum?" He smirks and continues moving his hand up. I try pushing his hand away but stop as soon as Cherry gives me a suspicious look. I panic not knowing what to do...not that I didn't like it, but I have a feeling that if he keeps this up everyone else will know how much I liked it as well...then again they wouldn't actually know what happened... I look up at Alex and pout. He finally gets that he should stop, and lets his hand drop but before I look back I see him mouth the word 'later' and grin.

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