Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"I wish we can stay together forever like this. Hey, we should live together after high school graduation which is still a long time ahead, still, i bet it would be really fun! Then we both will meet guys who will then become our loving husband and then we can be each other's bridesmaids. I'll be your child's godmother as you'll be my child's godmother. We'll grow old together with our husbands and perhaps our children can marry each other so that we'll really be a family" Frey exclaimed while leaning on the school's rooftop fence.

"Hmmm.... But i can't imagine you raising a kid" said Calli with her doubtful expression which made Frey pout a little

"You're so mean Calli, but you're probably right. That's why you have to stay by my side and teach me everything i can't do" Frey turned around and smiled to Calli

"Am i supposed to know everything? Besides, our children wouldn't have to marry each other in order for us to become a family. We are already a family and we're as real as any other family." The way Calli said it so calm made Frey almost burst into tears. For her best friend who's usually don't say any kind of cheesy stuff, that was already a lot for her.

"True... are you trying to make me cry by saying all that Calli?" Calli just smiled slightly and Frey returned it with a bigger smile.

"You started it first, Frey"

"Hahaha... c'mere you.." Frey pulled her friend and hug her not too tight in case she might suffocate her. "By the way, do you have someone you like now? Like a crush or something?"

"Not really, i don't even know the name of the boys in our class" Calli has always shown a little interest in people beside those who are smarter than her. Well, Frey is an exception.

"Geez, you're so horrible Call" Frey pushed Calli away slowly and said it on her face to see her expression clearly

"And you're the friend of this so horrible person" Calli said as she brushed off Frey's hands from her shoulder

"Correct that, i am her bestest friend in the world" Said Frey with a smile

"Suit yourself, stupid" Calli turned around and walked away from Frey to lean against the fence and feel the soothing breeze on her face

They continue to chat and laugh about stupid little things, planning their future ahead, little did they know that something would change their entire life sooner than they would have expected. No one ever knows the future no matter how detailed they've already planned for it. Things could turn out for the better or for worse, you never know.

The next day, Frey unexpectedly woke up earlier than usual. It was mainly caused by the nightmare she had last night. She panted hard and sweat like she had just been out for a run under the rain. Her heartbeats were as fast as a panther runs. Never had she been woken up this way before, in her heart she felt as if something was not right. However she was unsure because yesterday everything was fine, more than fine actually.

"Maybe it was just a dream, it's nothing... right? I should calm myself down. This feels really weird" So she got out of her bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

Her body was really sticky from the sweats and she kinda smells too, so she took a shower right away. She took her time in the shower with warm water pouring all over her body because there was no rush given the time she woke up. It was around 5.30 in the morning while school starts at 8:00 a.m and the distance between her house and the school is only around 10 minutes by foot. Frey got out of the shower around 6:57 a.m. She had brushed her teeth, did her hair, put on her uniform and all. She was just in time for breakfast and left for school around 7:15 in the morning.

Frey arrived at school 10 minutes later, around 7:25, still a bit early though (for frey). She went to her class and sat in her chair as usual. Usually, Calli's always been there first and greet her but that day, Frey was there first. Maybe because she was earlier than usual, she didn't even know what time her friend went to school. After a few minutes went by, Frey started to lose her patient as Calli still hadn't show up.

Finally, she stood up and took a stroll around the school. She never walked alone, Calli had always been beside her. Frey felt kind of lonely without Calli, even if it was just for a few minutes. Calli was practically her only close friend, her bestest friend. Frey had a few friends other than Calli but they were just 'friends' sometimes she said hello and smile to them and maybe even have a small conversation but none of them is as close as Calli to her.

Lost in her thoughts, Frey didn't realize that 25 minutes had already past.. The sound of the school's bell brought her back to the reality and she soon rushed to the classroom assuming Calli had already arrived. As she flung the classroom door open, she looked around in her searching mode looking for Calli somewhere in the classroom but sadly she was not there.

"Ms.Zurie, what do you think you're doing? Class is starting, go to your seat before i mark you late!" she came in just in time for her most hated subject and teacher. It was a rare phenomena for Frey hate a teacher, because really, Frey love them, she thinks all of them are lovely, but this old hag was greatly irritating.

"Ugh.. fine" Perfect.

Period 1 started and still Calli still hadn't arrived. It made Frey very anxious, especially when Calli had never once skip school. Period 1 was almost over and the teacher had given a sign for the class to bow however a lady from the administration office came running into the class and talked in a low voice to Mr.Walter. It was barely a whisper so Frey couldn't hear anything but based from their expression, she knew it was not a good news. Frey was suddenly reminded of her dream last night. Her heart was beating fast and she couldn't hear anything anymore

In Frey's dream

'Good bye Frey' said calli in while turning her back on Frey

'Where are you going Calli?' Frey panicked and ran after her however the distance didn't seem to get any closer no matter how hard she tried to. Calli turned back for a second and smile with a drop of tears flowing on her cheek.


end of Frey's dream

"Attention class, i have an unfortunate announcement to make. Uhh.." before he could say anything, Frey hastily stood up from her seat and made quite a sound making everyone turned their attention on her.

"Calli!" she screamed but not loud enough for anyone outside the class to hear

"About that, Ms.Zurie.. actually" Again, he was cut by Frey before he could say the important things.

"What's wrong with Calli? Is she sick?" Frey was filled with worry, curiosity and fear.

"Now, please don't panic Ms.Zurie. Actually... it's hard for me to say it like this however we just heard from the police that Ms.Darcey's family was found dead this morning. As for Ms.Darcy herself, she.." Suddenly Frey ran out of the classroom in a full speed

"Ms.Zurie!! Where are you going?" not wanting to hear anything from anyone, she ignored everything in her way and just focused on her best friend, Calli.

Frey ran from the school toward Calli's house without carrying any of her belonging. She kept thinking on how she couldn't lose her very own best friend. She couldn't think about anything anymore. It was hard for her to breathe. 15 minutes went by faster than usual and she finally arrived at Calli's house. She could already hear the sound of siren from afar and it made her body felt weaker and weaker as the sound grew closer.

Standing outside her house, she looked around and police were everywhere. Reporters, photographers. Paramedics, the place was already like a scene from CSI. around Calli's yard was 'do not enter' sign however Frey just ignored them and broke into the house. That moment, Frey thought to herself, if only she hadn't gone in there. It was the wrong decision for her to make. And so everything turned black.

"Good bye, best friend"  

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