Chapter Fourteen : Baby Freak

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I stood in front of the wall in the den, spotting handprints and reading them to myself with a sparkle in my eye.

"Our baby has the best family ever don't you think?" Dylan asked putting an arm around my shoulders holding me into him.

"How come you haven't freaked out on me yet?" I asked turning to him as I thought about the baby.

"Why would I freak out, my girlfriend is pregnant and I am going to be a dad, it's fantastic news!" He smiled happily.

"You are such a bloody optimist." I sighed as I walked towards my mother's handprint. "I was talking to my mum and she was telling me about when she was pregnant with me, she was diagnosed with Ovarian Failure a few months before. I was her miracle baby, her Ovarian Failure is hereditory, she got it from her mum and the doctor said that..."

"T, stop." Dylan interrupted turning me to face him. "Try being an optimist, that just means that you are lucky and that we have our own little miracle!"

"I hope the baby gets your optimism, it's a good quality that I will never have." I smirked.

"I love you and your negitivity." He smiled kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug.

"I love you more." I said kissing his neck lightly before I pulled him to our bedroom. "I took so many photos today."

I smiled as I grabbed a box of photos from the day, there was a photo of everyone. We sat on the floor and looked through them putting the really good ones to the side. There was even a photo of me on Dylan's shoulders when we were painting the nursery, clearly Row or Trent stole my camera. As we searched through the photos I was surprised at how many photos of Dylan and I there were, there was one during the paint war where he has lifted me up and we kissed.

"My camera takes good photos." I smirked before I got up and ran my hand along the wall, the room looked fantastic. "Are you any good at flat packs?"

"Babe, I'm the king of flat packs." He smirked grabbing the flat pack for our new bed.

We had no tools but he had a knife for a screwdriver and a fist for a hammer, as he started on the flat packs I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I reached into the freezer and grabbed a tub of Ben and Jerry's and a spoon before walking back upstairs.

"Where's my Ben and Jerry's?" He asked looking at me as I stood in the doorway with the spoon hanging from my mouth.

"You get none." I mumbled through my mouthful of icecream. I swallowed and poked my tongue out at him before I grabbed a spoonful and fed it to him like an airplane. "Now the rest is mine."

"Sure." He smiled licking the icecream off his lips before he added the last bit of wood to the bed frame before pushing it against the center wall. "I'm going to go downstairs and grab the mattress." He said leaving me sitting on the floor with my tub of Ben and Jerry's. I spooned up some icecream eating it happily before I yawned and the room went dark. 

------ (timeskip) 

I woke up after what felt like five minutes once I realised I had fallen asleep to be lying on a bed that had pillows, a mattress, sheets and doonas all on it. I yawned before sitting up to find two bedside tables, a bookcase and a chest of drawers all set up with Dylan nowhere in sight.

I got up and walked out of the bedroom and tried to figure out where he would be. I walked into the guestroom to find it furnished and I checked the watch, it was 3 in the morning and I remember getting Ben and Jerry's at 8...

I walked into the nursery to see a changing table, shelves and a wardrobe before seeing Dylan building a crib on the floor.

"Why are you still awake?" I yawned walking over to him and massaging his shoulders which were tense from building.

"I tried going to sleep when I finished our room at 10, then I baby freaked so I got up and started building again." He said guiltily.

"I knew you'd get baby freaked!" I laughed before I pulled him away from the building. "Come back to bed with me."

"After I finish the crib?" He bargained and I nodded as he began building quickly making the crib in record time.

"By the way, where's my icecream?" I asked him.

"Well I couldn't just let it melt." He stated.

"So you put it back in the freezer?" I asked.

"Well that would've been the smart choice but you know I don't have much in the old noggin." He said tapping his head with a smile. I laughed before I dragged him out of the nursery and back to our room before jumping into the bed. He took off his shirt placing it on his bedside table before climbing into the bed beside me.

"Can you guess which flat pack is my favorite?" I asked him.

"The bed?" He guessed with a confused look on his face.

"This one." I smiled rubbing my finger along the lines in his chest.

"Can you guess what my favorite pair of jugs are?" He asked with a smirk before I laughed and punched him in the chest. "I'm going to guess and say that wasn't funny."

"Good guess." I smirked before I cuddled up into his chest and fell asleep again.

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a\/n: is there anyone else who is in love with their relationship?! I mean just writing it makes me almost swoon. Anyway guys, chapter 15 is going to be uber fantastic! Plus as soon as I finish Awkward you will be lucky enough to get 4 new books!!!! That's right four! So be excited, be very, very excited. Plus you all should read the book I am editing called Kiss and Run by @hungergameslover19 She is a close friend of mine and the story is fantastic!

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