Journal Entry #94
Good can feel worse than bad.
The Archon just left. I wished the day had gone down one of the paths I had thought it would. I mean, it would have been so much better if he had yelled or hauled me off for an inquisition. I don't even know if he'd have needed an inquisition if it came down to it - he's The Law within the Diocese, I could be a goner by now.
It was the most horrible feeling and yet the warmest one at the same time. I met him at the door (as courtesy demands). I thought I could be brave, but my knees turned to jelly when I saw his face. Grief had aged him, I mean seriously aged him. I can't remember when he held me to prevent me from turning into a puddle as my knees and insides collapsed, all I know is that I cried till my head hurt and then cried some more.
The first words he said though, "I understand."...
And then he repeated those words every time my chest found enough air between sobs to say I was sorry.
I'm sure he was broken up, 'cos he sobbed a little as he held me too. But I hope he didn't notice the one time when I said "I'm sorry, dad". That was so out of place.
It's not become totally okay, but at least now I can allow myself to believe that there's a dawn that's hiding somewhere at the edge of all this darkness.
Journal Entry #95
It was the weirdest memorial service ever.
I had to skip school to make it, but it was for Levi so that wasn't a big deal. But again, it was definitely the weirdest memorial service ever.
It was one of the members of the strange crew that Levi had put together. Kids like him, restless and with high facility, a chain of pals that circled the world. They do experiments and stretch the rules in ways that I'm not certain Elves should be comfortable with.
They all wore WHITE! I mean, imagine that? A memorial service in white! The faerie girl who came to get me was a bit older than I thought she'd be, but then when you saw them all together you'd understand. Besides the white clothing, there didn't seem to have be any rules - different races, different places, and different societies.
I got a bit dizzy before I noticed that it was the combined facility of Levi's "brain trust" that was affecting the fabric. I kept my mind keyed up though... you never know when a Magi will be around the corner.
I can't remember all the names and the faces.
I do remember Tes... the demure faerie girl that 'shifted me. Her eyes threw me, they're both brown but they are like ten shades apart. She had such a warm smile, it was like she radiated strength just by holding my arm through the whole thing.
Then there was Issah. He's African too, like Tes, but I don't really know where he's from. He was QUIET. I spent a full five minutes frozen before noticing it wasn't me he was staring at. Everything about Issah is harsh, angular and bony, the ridged scar on his cheekbone gives him a very warrior-like air for a psychic.
Then there was August Gaines, and her cousin whose name I've forgotten. He was a loud personality. He kept glancing in my direction with an odd grin that never left his lips and yet never made it to the edges of his eyes. He also had too many tattoos for a kid his age... but they were a little cool in an artistic way.
The others escape my memory, but there were twenty or so of them. One by one they lit candles and shared a couple of thoughts via 'sending. Some of them even shared memories, just little ones.
Some of them spoke in their native tongues as they gave their tributes. Their voices echoed unusually in the dusty confines of St. Paul's basilica (apparently breaking and entering into a cathedral is not crossing the line for these people. Issah said something about needing a place that was big enough for Levi's soul and that it was closed for repairs anyway)
The Rising - Ennead 2
ParanormalThe events of The Rising continue, or restart, depending on how you look at it. In the previous nine scenes of The Rising, the Magi began to gather. Now the Societies get their time to shine, or do they? Follow the stories of Aelf, Psychics, Faerie...