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2 months. 2 months and me and Alex haven't said a word to each other. He's been with Amy ever since and they seem to be getting close. Like really close. So close their faces touch sometimes.

"What a shame", one of Amy's friends said. "What do you mean", I asked. "Oh, its nothing. Just, we thought you and Alex would get together. I guess he really doesn't like you", she replied. "Yeah I guess so", I replied. "Well, he seems happier with our girl Amy. I guess he's still lucky", she said and ran off to Alex and Amy.

He? And her? Together? No! Right? I saw them kiss and it hurt. I don't see why. We weren't even dating. Yet some how, it felt like he was going to ask me. But now, he won't.

"Hey!", Emma said jumping in front of me. "Hey", I mumbled. "Don't tell me you found out", she said. I nodded my head. "Oh, my poor smol bean!", Emma said. "It's over for me. Kill me now", I said. We walked into the lunch room and found Skyler. We sat down next to him. I sat next to Sky, laying my head on his shoulder and Emma across form us.

"You found out didn't you", Skyler asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry Ty", he said. "Not your fault I'm not attractive", I replied. "That's not true! You are the cutest thing I have ever seen, and I'm sure people agree with me. Tyler, Alex doesn't see that so it's his lose", Sky said. "Thanks for trying", I replied. "Trying?", Sky asked.

I got up and started to walk out the lunchroom. I felt every ones eyes on me. I walked towards the bathrooms. I bumped into someone and apologized. "Uh, that's not going to do it", they said. I sadly, recognized the voice. "Hi Alex", I said, not looking at him. "Hi Alex? Really Tyler?", he asked. "What do you fucking expect me to say?", I asked. "Oh I don't know, maybe, I hate you and get out my face", Alex said. "Why would I say that?", I asked.

"Because that's what you told Amy to tell me", Alex said. "NO! That's what you told Amy to tell me", I replied. "I never said that", Alex said. "Neither did I!", I yelled. "Yeah well some ones lying", Alex said. "Yeah, you are", I replied. "I am not lying!", Alex said. "And neither am I. But that doesn't matter any more, because you are happy with Mrs. Princess while I'm crying my eyes out. Hope your happy", I said. I pushed past him and ran into the bathroom.

I pushed my back against the bathroom wall and started to cry. I dragged myself down to the floor and brought my knees to my chest and hugged them. I cried into my knees but tried to cover it up. I reached into my pocket and found it. The last remaining blade I had that Sky didn't know about. Tears blurred my vision as I set the blade to my wrist. Someone barged in but I didn't care to look. I just keep crying.

"STOP!", they yelled. "SHUT UP!", I yelled and cut myself. I place the blade back on my wrist in a different place. "TYLER! STOP THIS!", they yelled. "SHUT UP!", I yelled again. They took the blade from me and hugged me. "Tyler please don't do this", they said. "Skyler?", I asked. "Yeah. It's me", he replied. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "I'm scared", I cried. "I know. Come on. Lets go home", he said. He picked me up and carried me out the bathroom.

Lunch was over so the hall was crowded. People where looking at me and Skyler. I held onto Skyler and just stared at them. Some girls where whispering to each other and Emma was one of them. She saw me and slightly smiled. I slightly smiled back but it quickly faded. We passed Alex and Amy. Amy was smirking and Alex frowned at me. That really hurt. I can't believe he believes her.

Skyler walked out to his car. With one hand he opened the front door and set me in the passenger side. He closed the door and walked around, got in and drove us home. The ride home was quite. No one said a word. When we got home Skyler carried me inside. Our mom was home and she was shocked to see us home early.

"Why home so early?", she asked. "Ty had a melt down", Sky said. He set me on the couch and put a blanket over me. My scare had healed but you could still see it. "What do you mean?", my mom asked. "He cut", Sky replied. "No! Not my baby! Not again!", she said and ran over to me. She lifted my hand and looked at my wrist. "Why?", she asked. "Alex", I muttered. "Alex?", she asked. "Alex believes a girl that is making them grow apart so she can have Alex to herself", Sky replied. "Oh I hate those kinds of girls! How dare she make my baby do this to himself!", my mom said. She kissed my scare, stood back up and walked over to Skyler.

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