Chapter 12

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--Scotty's POV--

"That was so much fun!" Bailey said as we placed the cooler and pool bags in the trunk. "Yes it was! We should do it again!" Jess replied as Easton grabbed her hand. I closed the truck and turned towards them. "Do you guys want to get dinner?" Jess asked Bailey and I. Bailey looked at me and I nodded.

"Sure!" She replied taking my hand. "Alrighty! I say we meet at 6:00 at Los Jalapeños." Jess planned and Bailey and I said goodbye to Easton and Jess, and then headed back to her apartment to clean up. As we are driving down the road, I kept glancing over at Bailey who seemed to have a lot on her mind. I gently slipped my hand in hers.

"You okay?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road. "Yeah.. Well, idk.." She replied and I squeezed her hand. "Want to talk about it?" I asked as we stopped at a light. "Well my parents are coming tomorrow.." She started waiting for me to react. "Okay.. And is that a bad thing?" I asked confused. "I'm not sure.." She replied as I waited for her to explain. I pulled into her apartment parking place and turned the car off.

"Bailey you don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to, but I want to help you." I explained as I took bother her hands in mine. "No, I want to tell you. You see, my parents and I aren't really close. I mean, as a kid and teenager, I was really close to them.. And then college happened and it faded away. Then I dated Jake and they didn't like him. We had a big argument, and it turns out they were right, he was a jerk. He didn't like my parents, and told me if he wanted to date him, they wouldn't be apart of my life. And I guess I'm just.."

"Bailey, I would NEVER make you choose between me and your parents. That's not right. Your parents are your family, and I hope to be part of that family someday, as well as you apart of mine." I said as I wiped her tears from her cheeks.

"So you're not mad that my parents are coming?" She asked and I leaned down and gave her an intense kiss. When we pulled away she was smiling. "Does that answer your question?" I asked and she pulled my head towards her and kissed me again. I pulled her onto my lap and she straddled her legs on either side of me and was on her knees as we continued to kiss.

Every time I kissed Bailey was like the first time. I don't think I would ever get tired of kissing her. I mean, it isn't possible. I definitely didn't want to go into her apartment.. At least not yet. Bailey pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "How did I get so lucky?" She asked running her fingers through my hair. I placed my hand on her cheek and ran my thumb across it. Her eyes were a light blue color, it was like looking into the sky. I really don't know how she can't see how amazing she really is. "No Bailey, I'm the lucky one." I said as our lips met again.

--Jess' POV--

"Come on Easton! We are going to be late!" I yelled into his room as I checked myself in the mirror one last time. "Okay baby." He replied leaning against the doorframe and letting out a whistle. "Dang baby you look good." He complimented making the heat rush to my face. "Why thank ya baby! You don't look too bad yourself." I answered smiling as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and faced me towards the mirror.

I smiled at our reflection as he leaned down and kissed my lips. One thing I loved about Easton was that he always smelled amazing, and this occasion was no exception. "Jess, before we go I have to ask you something." Easton said and my heart skipped a beat. What could he possibly have to ask me. He already asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Jess I want you to come on the road with me." He said looking into my eyes. He what? Jess calm down, this is a good thing.. I mean, Easton is opening for Scotty.. Which means I will still be with Bailey. Okay, this is good. And I love Easton. I honestly don't think I could be away from him for months.

"Yes, of course I will go with you." I replied as he smiled and picked me up, spinning me around above his head. "I can't wait Jess!" He said setting me down and kissing me passionately. He placed his forehead against mine and stared into my eyes. "I love you Jesslyn." He said kissing my nose. "Oh Easton, I love you too." I replied giving him another kiss. "Now we have to get going. Scott and Bailey are waiting." I demanded pulling away, I grabbed my purse, and Easton and I headed to the car. I couldn't wait to tell Bailey that I was going to be joining the crew on tour!

--Easton's POV--

I can't wait for the tour to start back up again. I have never been this excited to tour in my life. Jess has definitely sparked something deep inside of me that has never been there. She truly makes me want to be a better man. As we drive, I place my hand on her leg as she talks about everything she is going I have to de while she is traveling with me. I just smile as I listen to her, I love this girl more than anything in this world. We pull into the restaurant parking lot, and pull into the space beside Bailey and Scotty, who must already be inside. I shut off the car, and walk over to Jess' side to help her out, and then we head inside.

We walk into the restaurant, and immediately find Bailey and Scotty sitting in a both next to each other. Bailey waves to us, and I follow Jess to the table. Jess slides in the both towards the wall, and I sit on the end across from Scotty. "Hey guys!" I greet Scotty and Bailey as I pick up the menu. Bailey and Jess immediately begin talking and I look at Scotty and smiled. He winked and we listened to the girls go on talking a mile a minute. They both seemed excited that they were going to be going on road with Scotty and I, and I was glad.

"We are two lucky guys." I said to Scotty who was laughing at Bailey and Jess' conversation. "Yes buddy. That we are." He replied smiling.

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