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We stayed up way past midnight, laughing and talking with each other. The music that we played was good, even though it had to be quiet. Jasper is really laid back, but super strong and smart, and Oakre is one of the funniest people you'll ever meet.
Cier and him get along pretty well, since he's quite opinionated. Doe let her hair down for the first time since we first met. It was too long to keep up in Clandestine. The bright yet soft brown shown in the light of the room. She's quite stunning actually.
We have three more days now until war is upon us, and we need to spend these last three days preparing and healing up as much as we can from anything and everything.
Even if it's as small as a sore arm or as big as a broken rib, we have to be as prepared as possible. Cier can run at max strength now, but she's still not cleared to go to war for two weeks. Which could cost us greatly. I personally think that the few rules General Bob gave us are stupid. He said we cannot leave our group unless we're communicating with each other, and no members from the groups can be switched. Also there are no NPC's allowed in the war. Three stupidly restricting rules. I mean, we could have just ignored them, but we had the feeling that we would get in huge trouble.
Any way, today we're spending it with our closest friends, hoping that we'll get to do this again after war.
Actually we still don't know weather or not people die when killed. It's unknown. But I think, because of our experience with Lola ,Gregg, and Yvette, that we can and probably will die if killed.

Cier, Rin and I got together for the remainder of the morning to just talk.
"So, what was your life like when you were a kid?" I ask Cier.
"Well, my family always around until, well, the rest is too personal." I sigh inwardly, but smile softly.
"It's okay, you for have to go into detail if your not comfortable."
"Thanks Kenta. But how about you? What was your childhood like." She asks softly.
"Well, I had a brother, his name was Jacobson. I don't know how's he's doing, brcuase my mom and dad got divorced, and my mom took Jaco while my dad took me." I explain, giving away the biggest part of my childhood, caused by that accident with the three men in black, way back in elementary school.
"Why did your parents divorce?" Rin asks.
"Well, my brother was involved in a school shooting, and my dad did nothing to try and protect him when it happened, so my mom ordered a divorce, but didn't wan't Jacobson to stay with my 'irresponsible' dad. He was a Greta father to me, even after all that happened."
"And why didn't your mom take you too?"
"Well, she and I never got along, so she didn't want to put up with my antics any longer and figured my dad might shape me up a bit. Even though I was straight A's and never missed a day of school once."
"Yikes," Cier comments, "your dad was nice to you though, right?"
"Yeah, he supported me one hundred percent. All the way through middle school and freshman and sophomore year."
"How is high school?" Rin interrupts.
"It's great, what grade were you in before schools switched to virtual learning?"
" I was eleven, I think?" He says with a funny expression.
"And you, Cier, did you go to school."
"The worst of the worst." Is all she says. I nod and Rin looks at her with sympathy in his deep green eyes.
"You haven't said anything yet, Rin."
"There's not much to tell." He says with a shy smile.
"Oh come on, I can't be the only one with a crazy past." I roll my eyes at him, but Cier stays quiet, as of uncomfortable. I'll have to apologize for that later.
"Well, I guess I did have a pretty interesting year when I was nine." Again, he smiles shyly, but this time it has a happier not hidden underneath.
"And what would that be?" I inquire with a smile.
"Well, it was when I was first introduced into Virtual Reality. It started off with a game named Wade Island, by a kid who worked at Oasis Tech." I think back to when I was young and what my first virtual reality game was.
"I think I was fourteen when I saved up enough for a Virt game. Which was around the same time that my school finally switched to virtual learning."
"Cool, I was eleven when we switched. It was one of the first, but my parents hated the idea."
"Yeah, and did you ever hear about AIMMOS before they took us in?"
"No, I only heard about a huge organization that would be taking over the Virtual learning." He repeats information that I've heard before, over and over on the news before everything went haywire. Cier pipes up with a question that makes both me and Rin cringe.
"What happened to you guys after the big disaster?" That's what most people call it. Nothing fancy it anything. But basically, the big distaster is an event that happened due to the corruption of all adult's and children over the age of fifty and under the age of six. I guess that it wasn't meant to happen, but the chips in everyone did something that caused most young or old people to fall into a coma. Luckily, the government had the chips removed immediately. But it's still a problem, even now I think.
I have a feeling Cier was one of the kids that was most greatly affected by it.

Later that day, after conversing more about both happy and sad memories, we moved onto he topic of the rebel community, and if we got out of Devil's Knot, what we would do. Like join them or not join them.
"So, what do you think you would do?" Rin asks Cier.
"Honestly I have no idea what I would do. I think I'd have to see what they do and what they don't do first."
"Well one thing that might help you decide could be that they're the ones trying to help us get out of this game." He smiles, as of to say that her decision should be easy.
"Well, that's true," she smiles slightly, tilting her head indecisively. "But what if they're not as good as we think they might be?"
"Oh, they're probably not bad guys, if they're trying to free us."
"Yeah, but we never know." She says, sighing dejectedly.
"Anyways, what about you, Kenta?"
"I would join them." But that's only if they really are the good guys. And that's the end if it, Rin!" I laugh at the end. He pouts at me, bottom lip sticking out and everything.
"But where would we be without them? We might not even have a glimmer of hope at getting out of here."
"Yeah, but what if they're the reason we're going to war?" I fire back. Then Cier cuts into the conversation, startling all of us.
"That's AIMMOS fault! I know cause my parents worked there before they sent me away and left me alone in the streets to die, in the coldest winter on record." The silence is louder than the sound of gun being fired, leaving me with a starting ringing in my ears.
I look at Rin, to see how he takes this news. But he doesn't look startled at all, just sad.
"We have to tell her now, don't we?" He murmurs, desolation in his voice.
"No, we can just-"
"No, we can't. Not again. Not ever."
"Fine. Kenta, we have a lot of explaining to do, and this, well this isn't the first time you've heard this."

Hey guys! I know this chapters a tad shoter than usual but this ending will TOTALLY make sure that I do update in Wednesday and I'm actually changing my update dates to Saturday and Wednesday, because having only a couple days to write my Wednesday chapter wasn't enough. So anyways, I hope you liked this Chapter, and I can't wait to get to the next one!
Bye friends!

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