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If death, violence, guns or war scenes bother you skip over the second half of this chapter, I'll put a when the violence and fighting begins. Also I will include a non violent summary in the beginning of the next chapter.



"It is six thirty soldiers, and in exactly twenty minutes we will head out."
I stand at attention, facing General Bob as he gives us the final speech before we head out for war.
"We will fight! And I, even though my thoughts are a mere sequence of code, know in my heart that you will be saved. Go back home to your brothers and sisters. Moms and dads. Step-parents. Friends and family. Go home, kids. Fight for your freedom because freedom is not given, it is won, and what Dak is controlling. That's not a free army. Thats an army working under a demon purely out of fear. But don't let the fear get to you. Feel it, but don't let it consume you.
Go home, kids. Go home!"
He ended his speech with tears in his old crinkly eyes and saluted us. We saluted back. General Bob shouted his first command of war.
"To your Jeeps!"
I run to the Jeep in Garage One, waiting as Cier and the rest of them show up. It dawns on me that there's only six of us, and when we fight, there will only be four.
The moment this though enters my head, General Bob walks up to us.
"So, you're short two people. What're you gonna do about it?" He asks us.
"Make a plan" comes Doe's reply, soft but strong.
"Exactly. I will help you out." In the ten minutes we have to get ready, we form a plan. Jasper and Oakre work incredibly well with one another, but since Oakre and Rin won't be present most of the time, they can't do offense together. So that leaves us with me, Emise, Doe, Jasper, Cier and myself. We'll have three of us on offense and the other two on defense.
Considering that Jasper has a gun and Doe has a crossbow we decide fairly quickly that they should be defense, shooting the far off enemies.
Emise has her Emeici, I have my sword, and Cier has her spear. As soon as our quick discussion is over, the general shouts for us to head out.

"We're counting on you two." I look back at Doe and Jasper, the two of them behind me. Doe is also a healer so she can hopefully use incantations to heal us if any of us badly get hurt. I look back only once as we pull out of the garage and into the cool April morning.
I'm coming Jaco, I'm coming back.
My thoughts settle as the pills the general gave me kick in. The drive takes us ten minutes and I'm the first one leap up out of the back if the car. We plan to have this war over with by the time night falls, but I think that just wishful thinking.
Technically it could happen though, and not to boast, but we are a hella strong group of kids.
"Formation!" Raors General Bob. We all smoothly slide into our lines, each separate group looking different from the rest.
"Masks on!" The general shouts at us. These masks cover our faces with camouflage patterned mesh over our eyes and nose so we can still use our peripheral vision, but the enemy won't know who we are.
"Forward, MARCH!" We all set ahead, four groups of eight kids, one group of six. As we march up the hill, confidence mixes with tingles of fear and the energy we have feels electric.
Climbing the last few steps and getting a look at what were up against was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. The sun peeks out at us from in-between mountains that surround this valley, and the dew on the ground sparkles. There are very few trees, but lots of rolling hills and awkward piles of rocks. I watch the fish in a small pond flick around, not noticing what's about to go down.

And the enemy stands but half a mile away from us.

"Are you ready? Then came a huge roar from the thirty eight of us, and in the caucaphony of voices you faintly here the final order of the general.
"Go." We rush forwards and the ground flies beneath my feet. For the first ten minutes we have Rin and Oakre with us. As the groups next to us spread out further I stop paying attention to what's around me and look directly ahead into the eyes of the enemy. I find myself staring into the blue eyes of some unknown soldier. They walk forwards in lines, and I count three lines, twenty or thirty of them to each line. Doe and Jasper slow down, as were barely twenty feet from the enemy and on top of a hill. They can snipe people easily from there. My shoudlers brush Ciers, her being in the middle, and we head directly for the people in the front line.

She shouts her first command to us.
"Attack head on, stay close!" I rush towards someone and they pull out a gold spear. I jump up over their attack and kick at them, hitting their spear arm. I land and duck, dodging another messy attack. I look over to see Cier spearing someone straight through the stomach. I gag, and get caught off gaurd. His spear nicks my arm and I growl in pain.
Leaping backwards I glance at it, but it's nothing more than a cut. I leap forwards again and kill him with one blow. I close my eyes and apologize swiftly before heading onto the next enemy. This time three people rush me head on. I knock the sword out of the hand of one of them, And the other one shoots a bullet that barely misses my ear. I target them and kill them swiftly too.
"Jade!" One of them screeches. Once again I apologize, and turn towards the two remaining enemies. Tears streak the face of a kid with brown hair, his expression deadly.
"You killed her."he growls and rushes at me, his partner not far behind. We clash swords and the other one comes on me from the left. I turn around and sprint a short distance away, but they follow not a step behind. I stop and turn around, forced to go into defensive fighting tactics.

I remember General Bob telling me once that when your fighting defense with a sword to never use the flat side if my sword.
I remember being really confused.
"Why?" I asked him.
"If you're sword is flat, it breaks a lot easier becuase if it's thinness, so use the sharp side of the blade. Its stronger and might even break your opponent's weapon."
I turn my blade at the last second and kick his partner away.
She tumbles backwards down the hill that I ran onto.
"Stop killing my friends." He growls, tears falling out if his eyes.
"If you join us I will." I whisper.
"What are you doing for us?"
"Saving your damn life, that's what." He swings at me and I duck.
"How?" His teeth are clenched, "we're stuck here!"
"If the rebels win we can leave. We're fighting for the rebels. Join us and you can see your family again." The words seem to hit him in the gut.
"You promise?" He whispers at the ground, barely audible.
"Yeah, get your friends to come on this side too. Thats your new job."
"Okay." I sigh in relief. He reminds me so much of Jaco I couldn't have killed him.
I watch as he and his friends go into the ground and convince their friends, one by one to come join us. I run over to Rin and tell him that I've got someone on the other side convincing people to join us.
"Good." He says and Oakre gives me a high five. I look back and see Doe Aiming for people in the crowd at random. With a start I realize that she could shoot the ones who are on our side. I run directly into the enemy lines, or what's left of them at least. I find the kid and tell him to tell everyone that they should wear their hats backwards if they've joined us. He nods, eyes still red.
"I'm sorry." I murmur just loud enough for him to hear as I run away.
"Heard about your stupid lie." A voice from behind me makes me whirl around to find a knife at my throat.
"It's not a lie." I state plainly.
"But we can't log out, can't save, can't leave, there's no key, no way to be free!" His voice reaches a pitch of hysteria.
"I'll never follow you and your-"
"I'm sorry!" A tear slips out of my eye. His arm drops, and his eyes go wide as he falls to the ground, dead before he can respond. Blood soaks his shirt and I bend down, closing his eyes. I run back to Doe telling her not to shoot the people with backwards hats. Just as she replies, Cier shouts another order.
"Rin, Oakre, head out!"
"Okay!" They salute her and Rin rushes away, Oakre not far behind.
Ten minutes and I've already killed three people.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter, I liked writing the scene when they reach the top of the hill in the Jeeps. IDK, it's the little things right? Kay guys give this a vote if you liked it!
Bye friends, love y'all

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