Ch-2 Not is all as it Seems

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It had been about a week and with the coronation coming up in around two weeks Elizabeta was spending all her time running through everything with Roderich. Ivan had made all the servants refer to her as Queen Elizabeta; however she was not a Queen yet.

"Now Elizabeta, your dress has been made so I believe it is time for you to wear it. You will have to wear it in so you are more comfortable during the coronation." Roderich says. The pair enter the King's room passing Ivan who was sheathing a large sword.

"Where are you going?" Elizabeta asks.

"I am going out for a hunt." Ivan replies.

"Ivan, you mustn't stay out for too long. You do have to return for dinner." Roderich says. Ivan nods before looking over at Elizabeta.

"Would you care to join me? I saw the sword you claim as yours." Ivan says. Elizabeta gives him a thoughtful look.

"No, she must try on her Royal outfit." Roderich ushers Elizabeta into the Queen's chambers. Ivan just follows the pair into the room.

"I am wearing mine. So quickly dress her and she can join me." Ivan takes a seat on Elizabeta's bed. Roderich sighs.

"Please Roderich, may I?" Elizabeta begs.

"You do not need to ask him, you are a Queen and really you should be asking me for permission." Ivan says darkly.

"You may." Roderich quickly says. The beta takes Elizabeta into the dressing room and leaves. She is dressed by a pair of maids before being stood in front of a mirror.

"Jack Roderich said you would be comfortable in a dress that is loose." One maid says. Elizabeta loved the dress. It was a bright green and easily kept her warm. A large brown belt sat around her waist and Elizabeta smiled when she realized it was able to hold her sword.

"King Ivan requested the belt be able to hold a sword. He also made sure the dress was easy to move in." The other maid says. There was an area on the right side of the dress that was very short. It showed off the Queen of Clubs tattoo. The boots she wore were also easy to move in. They were not as restricting as she thought they would be. The long dark green fingerless gloves she wore also allowed for her to keep her grip. She nodded in appraise before leaving the room. Ivan was the only one in the room.

"Thank you." Elizabeta gave Ivan a hug. Ivan chuckled and looked down at her.

"I knew you would not want something tight and restricting. Roderich wanted it loose but he was determined to put you in a corset and from what my omega father had said; waistcoats and corsets were very restricting." Ivan smiles softly at Elizabeta.

"Well let's go, I would like to go on a hunt. When I was younger I joined hunts with my mothers, however once I married Roderich he frowned upon the behavior. I assume it is because he is from Hearts and omegas do not join in on things like that." Elizabeta says. The pair wanders down to the stables where they mount their horses. The horses had already been saddled and two young stable hands were waiting patiently for the King and Queen to mount.

"Follow me, I know a good spot." Ivan says. He leads the way up a mountain and through two caves before they stop on a large plateau. Some wild Moose and an assortment of deer were eating away at tufts of grass. Elizabeta aims her bow and waits for Ivan to do the same. Ivan chuckles and leans over pushing the tip of her arrow down.

"What?" Elizabeta asks quietly.

"I do not hunt these animals." Ivan replies.

"Ivan is that you?" Came a voice. A short violet eyed man appeared. Ivan dismounted and walked over to the short omega.

"Hello Tino, how is the family?" Ivan asks. Elizabeta dismounts and quietly follows behind Ivan.

"They are good. Lukas and Emil are having a little disagreement but that will blow over." Tino says. Two omegas appear and lead the horses away. Elizabeta just watches on with a confused look.

"Oh right, Elizabeta meet Tino. He is a good friend of mine who cares for these animals with his family." Ivan says. Tino gestures for the pair to follow them and Ivan moves to follow. Elizabeta follows behind Ivan, she finds herself wrapping an arm around one of Ivan's. Ivan just looked down and patted her on the head with the other hand. Once inside a cave there were four other men in it, well there was a teenager as well. Elizabeta is introduced to the two alphas and two omegas. Elizabeta made friends with the alpha Matthias and his omega Lukas. Lukas' brother Emil had quickly left to go to his own room. Ivan talked with Berwald and Tino.

"Well Elizabeta, I suppose we should actually go hunting now." Ivan says and Elizabeta nods. The pair leave and Lukas and Tino give them their horses before the Royals mounted and left to move onto a different hunting area.

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