Ch-5 King of Spades' Coronation

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Elizaveta and Ivan hopped out of the carriage. Elizaveta stayed close to Ivan and Roderich; she was nervous as she had never been to anything so fancy before. Well other than her own coronation. Ivan smiled softly at her and offered her his arm as they walk into the large castle. Ivan looked to see Queen Arthur sitting in his throne. Jack Yao spoke quietly with Roderich before walking to speak quietly with Jack Feliciano. The Jacks lead their Kings and Queens to their seating. Elizaveta sat down and crossed her legs. She observed the other Royals who seemed to be quite at home. Francis was chatting away with Jack Basch like it was any other day. Jack Feliciano seemed to be entertaining both King Ludwig and Queen Kiku; who were also talking happily with each other. The female omega quickly realized that Clubs was the odd one out. They weren't talking at all and everyone seemed to avoid them. She also realized how the other two Queens were male and seemed more pretty then her.

"Are you alright?" Ivan asks.

"Not really. I feel so odd and just different." Elizaveta mumbles. Ivan shrugs humming in agreement.

"The other Royals around you are not new to this. King Francis and Queen Arthur were born into these roles so this is rather boring to them; like it is to me. Queen Kiku has been a Queen for a number of years and has attended our coronation along with helping with King Ludwig's coronation so this is rather simple to him. You will be like them in the coronation; which should be the Queen of Diamonds'." Ivan responds. Elizaveta nods and calms down a little. Jack Yao announces that the coronation would begin and soon enough a young male appeared.

"My Gods he is young." Elizaveta says. She looks over at Ivan who seems to be giving the alpha a skeptical look. She just looks back to watch it all continue. The boy's name is Alfred Jones. Soon enough the event is over and it gives the Royals a chance to personally catch up. Queen Arthur and King Alfred stood and walked down the few steps that were in front of the thrones before meeting with the other Royals.

"Al!" Elizaveta watches as a tall omega practically tackles the King of Spades.

"Hey bro!" King Alfred laughs loudly and Elizaveta can't help but laugh as well. Ivan quickly gives her a look and she shuts up. The other Kingdoms – excluding Clubs – chuckled at the pair. "Guys meet Matthew; my younger brother. Mattie meet King Ivan, Queen Elizaveta, Jack Roderich, King Ludwig, Queen Kiku and Jack Feliciano. Jack Feliciano quickly steps forward and hugs Matthew.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you! What's it like knowing your older brother is King?" Feliciano asks with bright eyes. Matthew seems to look nervously at Alfred who smiled and nodded. Matthew quickly smiles and hugs back.

"It is quite scary I must admit. I would never give that idiot this much power." Matthew chuckles at the offended look. "But if we're talking serious stuff then I am very happy for him. Alfred always deserved more then what he got and everything he's done for me makes me think he deserves this even more." Matthew says and looks at his older brother. The pair smile softly at each other and hug before Matthew says goodbye and leaves.

"Well I honestly believe that you shouldn't allow people like that near you. He is honestly just using you." Ivan says. King Alfred's bright blue eyes seem to somehow go a few shades darker. He steps forward but within an instant Queen Arthur had hugged King Alfred and whispered something in his ear before shoving him. King Alfred sent a glare at Ivan before putting his hands in his pocket and walking off. Roderich gives Ivan a disapproving look but the alpha either didn't notice it or didn't care for he didn't react.

"I apologise for his behavior. He is still new to this just like I am." Elizaveta says after the King's had left together. The Jacks had also left leaving Elizaveta with Queen Kiku and Queen Arthur.

"I understand that the two of you are new Royals but you cannot use that excuse forever. Your people will expect you to grow up and change with the changing times." Queen Arthur says.

"Yes and I recommend that you keep up your appearances and studies before Ivan does something he will regret." Queen Kiku says.

"You both seem to already have something against Ivan." Elizaveta glares slightly.

"Of course we do. We have known that boy for years; he is trouble. The first time I met him was 10 years ago. It was at my coronation. He smashed a bunch of glasses and scared a majority of the guests attending. He caused a scene with his parents and made his mother cry." Queen Arthur says.

"Oh..." Elizaveta says quietly.

"Artie!" King Alfred calls out.

"If you'll excuse me; duty calls." Queen Arthur sighs but a small smile plays on his lips as he approaches the young alpha and his younger brother. King Francis was also there laughing and talking with them.

"It is your job as Queen to keep Ivan on the right path. Please for his sake and your own; keep that man on the right path." Queen Kiku says. Elizaveta nods and looks over at Ivan wondering what the future held for Clubs.

"Thank you for the advice." Elizaveta looks back at where Queen Kiku used to be. The Queen was gone and seemed to be having a great conversation with Jack Yao. Elizaveta sighs and walks over to the table to grab a glass of wine.

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