Ch-8 Preparing for War

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Elizabeta slammed her sword down onto the guard's sword. Ever since she found out the news of Ivan preparing for war she had also decided to prepare. She had no interest in hiding in the palace as her soldiers fought. She did not agree with the idea of going to war but she wasn't going to whine about to Ivan and risk getting hurt. She had been amazed when she'd gone into heat; usually after a raping and beating most omegas' bodies wouldn't have been able to handle it. She was even more amazed when Ivan had appeared. Fortunately the Spadian mage that had run tests on her had said that she wasn't pregnant. Elizabeta had been happy; she couldn't risk a pregnancy during a time like this.

"Are you alright my Queen?" The guard asks. He'd been standing there for good minute waiting for Elizabeta to do something. The omega shook herself from her thoughts and looked up.

"Sorry just had something on my mind." Elizabeta smiles.

"I think we should take a lunch break, I'm getting a bit hungry." The guard says. Elizabeta agrees and goes to take a seat in the courtyard. She closed her eyes and hummed a tune as she sat patiently waiting for the guard to return.

"I challenge you to a duel." Came a masculine voice. Elizabeta opened her eyes to see Ivan standing in the middle of the courtyard. She laughed quietly and grabbed her sword as she moved in front of Ivan and got into position. It was in that moment she realized she could actually attack Ivan. She smirked slightly as she heard the 'ting' noise as their swords hit. They gathered an audience as the pair dueled and smashed their large swords together. Ivan dropped his sword as he surrendered. The tip of Elizabeta's sword rested against Ivan's large Adam's apple.

"I win." Elizabeta says as she steps back. A maid calls out saying it is time for lunch and the pair nod. As they walk down the halls together Ivan starts a conversation.

"You're very good with a sword." Ivan compliments the omega.

"All alphas in my family are blacksmiths." Elizabeta responds.

"You'll be really useful if we're invaded." Ivan says. They take their seats at the dining table. Roderich appears and takes his seat as well.

"I have cut back on send supplies and I've sent ships to start sending away certain supply ships. Tomorrow we leave for Diamonds. The Queen is to be crowned." Roderich says. Ivan and Elizabeta nod.

"Elizabeta your job during the coronation is to try and get the new Queen of Diamonds to be best friends with you." Ivan says. Elizabeta nods with a smile. She had gotten used to being given jobs like this. Especially with trying to get Lords to join the plan of attacking Spades.

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