Ch-14 The End

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They were too slow. They'd thought that they had the upper hand. Clubs was chased out of Hearts and it's land was divided between Spades, Hearts and Diamonds. Hearts didn't want any land so Ludwig sold it back to Clubs an exchange to have Roderich moved to live in Hearts. Alfred and Ludwig would regularly visit the small Clubs section. They would monitor it's growth and their King and Queen's mentality. Elizabeta fell pregnant in Spring a few months later. A beautiful female alpha was born. They named her Natalya; she was close with her father and took on lots of similarities to him. The two of them had a natural Winter aurora that followed them. Elizabeta was happy to have at least given Ivan one child. Natalya was strong and willful. She did have a slight touch of Elizabeta in her; she was very stubborn. She was also very kind to the people close to her. Natalya became King of Clubs when she turned 21 years old. Her mother and father had been going to a meeting with the other Royals when they got caught in the middle of a strong snowstorm. A group of nomad Clubbers found Ivan frozen in the thick snow. The horses had died during the night as well. They found Elizabeta holding onto her last few sparks of life and with her last breath she wished her daughter well and told the nomads to make sure Natalya made peace with the other Kingdoms. Natalya eventually did make peace and was able to take back all of Clubs, everyone was surprised she didn't do anything bad and followed the wish. Natalya explained once to the other Royals that it was her mother's dying wish and she didn't want to fail her mother. Clubs became a large and powerful Kingdom over a few decades and soon enough it was well on it's way to matching Spades in power.

"I wish you could see your Kingdom now." Natalya stood in the middle of the coldest winter night in a century. She looked down upon her parents graves. Roderich appeared; the old man called for Natalya to come inside. She went back inside but was surprised to see a beautiful omega smiling at her holding out a plate of warm food.

"Natalya meet your mate; Anya." Roderich introduces the pair to each other. The girl was wrapped in a light pink jacket and had beautiful violet eyes. Natalya had smiled at her and the pair had never separated since.

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