Ch-11 The Dawn of a New Age

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Ivan sat in the King of Hearts' throne. Elizabeta watched him from the balcony. The balcony would have been used by Royal guards to watch over their Royals. Instead Elizabeta sat on the railing as she dangled her legs over the edge. She was in no dress only a pair of pants and a shirt. A belt was situated on her waist. It held a large sword on it along with a bag of smoke dust that she could use to blind people. A dagger was hidden in her boots. She let out a sigh and dropped down from the balcony when Roderich walked in. He was looking over sheets of parchment.

"This is all I could find about the whereabouts of Lovino and the Joker child. It also has a description of the child." Roderich handed the sheets to Ivan. The alpha nodded and glanced over them.

"So her name is Maria Beilschmidt. She has red eyes, white skin that is tanner then Joker Gilberts, but lighter than Lovino's. From what they can gather she has brown hair, but that could change seeing as it's only a little amount on her head. Joker Gilbert took both Lovino and Maria somewhere outside of Hearts. It finishes saying they've been taken to a different castle." Ivan says.

"I don't know whether it's a Royal castle or a Lord's castle and I haven't found anything out about which Kingdom they were taken too; for all we know they could be in Clubs." Roderich says. Ivan nods and hands the sheets back to Roderich. They had all been written by some maid who wrote anything down if it had something to do with Royals. Gilbert must have mentioned the whereabouts of Maria to Feliciano or Ludwig.

"I also found out that Feliciano has fallen pregnant. We can threaten him to give us information." Roderich says. Elizabeta glares at Roderich for mentioning that information. She didn't want any omegas getting used ever again; even if that meant risking her own skin. Roderich ducked his head a little and avoided eye contact with her.

"No, I do not wish to use another omega. I would like you to get some artists to draw pictures of Lovino and send them back to guards in Clubs. The guards can go around asking people if they've ever seen Lovino before." Ivan says. Elizabeta breathes a sigh of relief. Roderich nods and gives a quick bow before turning and walking out of the room. His green tailcoat flowing out nicely as he left. Elizabeta wrapped a gentle hand around the necklace Ivan had bought her. It was a plain silver chain with a lovely bright Emerald shaped into a Club.

"You have really taken to that necklace." Ivan says. His violet eyes trailed over his Queen in a dream like manner.

"It is very nice." Elizabeta says looking back at Ivan. The two share a look and give each other a soft smile. "I would like to go for a walk." Elizabeta says. Ivan nods. The Queen leans down and presses a quick kiss to her King's temple. Elizabeta walks out of the room and walks to the stables. She requests a horse and with that she mounts the horse and leaves the castle grounds. She makes it to the middle of Hareale before she dismounts. She notices some families who were walking around trying to scavenge what was left of their homes and lives. She notices a small girl hiding behind a barrel. Next to the girl was the lifeless body of a man. His soft features showed he was an omega. As she took a step forward towards the girl three other people appear. The tallest was no doubt an alpha, the other two seemed to be more on the omega side. The brown female could be a beta though.

"Hello there, are you alright?" The brunette female asks. The little girl comes out from behind the barrel and blinks looking between the trio.

"Are you Belle?" The small girl asks. 'Belle' leans down and nods.

"I was a friend of your mothers. This is my older brother Abel and my younger brother Pierre." Belle points to the alpha then the omega next to her. The little girl hugs Belle. Belle picks her up and turns leaving with her brothers. They hop in the driver's part of the large cart they had. They sat the girl in the cart.

"We're leaving now!" Pierre calls out. A majority of the people in the area hopped on the cart before Abel drove the cart down the road. People waved the group of children and omegas and female betas off before going back to work. Elizabeta watched the cart as it disappeared in the distance. The people around her finally noticed who she was and soon she felt very unwelcomed. She mounted her horse again and slowly rode back to the Castle of Hearts. She realized that the people of Hearts were doing fine without her and obviously they would soon rebel against the new hierarchy. She walked back into the throne room when she arrived.

"You said you were going for a walk." Ivan says. He seemed busy looking over some parchment. Roderich hovering in front of him.

"I did at first, but then I decided to go into Hareale and see the people. They're doing very well and they are rebuilding the home and places our soldiers tore down in search of Lovino and Maria." Elizabeta says as she took her seat in the Queen's throne.

"We are figuring out whether we should take Diamonds now; their Royals are going to Spades." Ivan says.

"I think we should wait. Our soldiers are very tired and we have to build up numbers again, along with supplies and weapons." Elizabeta says.

"She has a good point." Roderich says. Ivan nods.

"Yes I agree. For now, we will focus our attention on finding out if Lovino and Maria are in Clubs." Ivan says.

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