Author's Note

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Hi! Sorry to put in an author's note so close to the beginning of the story, but I'm just publishing this to let you know that this story will be changing point of views very often (sometimes as frequently as every chapter) and I don't just mean the characters' POVs, I also mean whether the chapter is in first or third person. Usually, it will be easy to tell, for example, First Person title: Chapter (#): (name of character); Third Person title: Chapter (#)/Chapter (#): POV Unknown. This way it should be fairly easy to figure out the POV for each chapter, but I apologize if this isn't the case. Have fun reading! (When I upload the 2nd chapter :P)

                                                                                                                                                                     -Admin Sarah

Edit: The Story will mostly be in Vanilla's POV, but will change every once in a while.

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