Chapter 4

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(Author's Note: Really sorry for the short chapters!!! /)>m<(\ I'm trying to balance my main account and this one, so I'm really sorry if I don't update for awhile on here. Anyway, going back to my main account, it's NerdyUnic0rn if you want to check it out (yes I did just shamelessly self-promote) Anyway please enjoy the new chapter!)

As I began to walk to my next class, I consulted my schedule for directions. I was so absorbed in the piece of paper that I didn't notice the quick footsteps from around the corner until it was too late. As I turned into the next hallway, I collided with two other girls. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" A girl with a bright orange bob helped me up off of the floor while another girl with long black hair and circular glasses retrieved our books.

"Y-yes, I think so..." I answered quietly, still slightly shocked from the fall.

"That's good." The girl with black hair was the one talking this time as she handed me and her friend our things. "Oh, how rude of us! I'm Basil, by the way."

"And I'm Orange Sherbet! You can just call me Orange, though."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Vanilla." I replied politely, dusting myself off.

"What's your next class?" Orange asked, fixing her floral headband, "We might have it with you."

"My next class is Algebra with Ms. Cherry."

"Really?" Basil asked, dusting off her skirt. "We have her next too! Would you like to walk to class together?"

"Sure! Sounds fun!" I answered, hoisting my bag onto my shoulder.


We finally reached Ms. Cherry's room and I took a seat next to Orange and Basil before pulling out my notes. "Now, girls," Ms. Cherry began, "I'm Ms. Cherry, and I'll be your algebra teacher this semester. Let's start with some review to begin with." Audible groaning was heard from about half of the room. "Now, now, I know it's only the first day of school, but we have a lot to learn, so let's get to work, okay?" I reluctantly pulled out my notes and prepared for one boring class.

A few minutes later, I felt something tap my leg. I quickly glanced up to the front of the room to make sure that Ms. Cherry's back was turned before discreetly looking under my desk. Someone was apparently trying to pass me a note, and by the direction the note was being passed from, I guessed it was Orange. I carefully grabbed the note, unraveling it inside the desk. After checking again to make sure the teacher wasn't suspicious, my attention went back to the neatly printed note.

"Jeez, this class sure is boring! :P Do we even need these notes? (I doubt it)
Wanna chat instead? 

I giggled quietly before swiftly writing a reply and sending it back.

"I don't see any harm in it. Let's just try not to make Ms. Cherry suspicious, though. "

"Great!! :D So, anyway, what's your favorite color? "

"Kind of a random question, but mine's lavender. "

"Hey! I'm just trying to make conversation! :P Anyway, mine's orange, obviously, and Basil says hers is green "

There was another line of text on the paper, but in pen.

"Hi, Vanilla! (This is Basil, btw) what's your favorite animal? I like dogs, and Orange says she likes dinosaurs. "

"My favorite are cats, but I also like birds. Puffins, to be exact. "

I was about to send the note to Orange when I heard someone clear their throat. I slowly looked up, the blood draining from my face. "Excuse me, girls? Are you passing notes during class?"

I glanced at Orange and Basil, seeing the same nervous look on their faces. "Y-yes ma'am."

Ms. Cherry sighed. "Well, since it's the first day, I won't embarrass you by reading the note aloud," All three of us sighed in relief. "But, you three will be getting after-school detention today. See me after class and I'll write you up." The sighs of relief turned to looks of mortification and protest as we watched Ms. Cherry walked back to the front of the room. A few girls giggled, but some glanced at us with looks of sympathy. All I could do was sigh in defeat and copy down the rest of my notes.

Half an hour or so later, the bell rang and Orange, Basil, and I trudged up to Ms. Cherry's desk to be written up. "Now, here are your passes. After fifth period, put away your things and immediately- no detours- go down to room 137. It's the third door on the right from the courtyard entrance. Got that?"

"Yes, Ms. Cherry." We answered, still filled with disappointment. Ms. Cherry pursed her lips.

"Good. Now, off to 5th period. We don't want you getting detention again, now do we?" Without letting us answer, Ms. Cherry quickly shooed us out of the classroom.

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