Chapter 3

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(Author's Note: Ok, so I can't upload pictures onto the story for some reason, but they'll be on the official tumblr page for this story. (The link is on the profile page) Also sorry for not updating for so long! I was busy with school and other stuff and didn't mean to go on hiatus for so long. Sadly, I may not update for awhile after this because I'm working on a new story on my main account. I promise i'll try to update soon though, so bear with me! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!)

As we sprinted to our respective classrooms for homeroom, I ran a checklist through my head to make sure I didn't forget anything. I didn't think I left anything behind, so I was fairly surprised when I noticed that my pencil case was missing. Of course that just had to be the one thing I forgot. As I panicked and contemplated on whether I should wait for the earth to swallow me up whole, a hand timidly tapped my shoulder.

"Hello? Are you alright?" I turned around to face a girl with a worried look on her face studying me carefully, like she thought I might snap at any moment. 

"Oh! Yes, I'm fine. I just realized that I forgot my pencil case. Really, it's no big deal."

Relief flooded the other girl's face as she started to dig through her desk for something. "Oh, that's good. Would you like to borrow one of mine?"

"Sure! Thanks!" I let out a breath of relief. That just lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. "By the way, I'm Vanilla."

"I'm Pistachio. Nice to meet you!" The girl replied as she handed me a pencil.

"Nice to meet you too!"

Suddenly, the bell rang, signifying the beginning of homeroom. As the teacher started to take attendance, I smiled at Pistachio before turning to face the front of the room. This was going to be a long day.


After 3 hours of boring classes and getting lost repeatedly, it was finally time for lunch. I grabbed a tray and tried to find a seat. I noticed Pistachio and Red Bean sitting together, but from all of the blushing and giggling, I could tell that they didn't want to be disturbed. I'd have to tease them about that later. 

Chocolate and Strawberry were nowhere in sight, so I moved to the nearest table and sat down. A few girls introduced themselves to me: a timid girl with wavy mint green hair said her name was Mint, and two sisters, one with short brown hair with white streaks and one with a short platinum afro, introduced themselves as Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (Cookie for short, she said), and Chocolate Chip. We struck up a conversation and when lunch ended I almost didn't want to leave. Reluctantly, I trudged to my next class, dreading the boredom that would follow. But hey, at least I made some friends!

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