Interaction #1

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So as seen from Chapter 11's A/N, I'd like to get to know all of you more, and I thought I could do that by asking a few questions, and I will give you my answer too. You can elaborate if you want, or give a simple answer. They're both fine. Now c'mon, let's get straight into it!


Q1: What's your name? :D

My answer: Melissa

Q2: Where are you from?

My answer: Singapore

Q3: How old are you?

My answer: 15 (In year 2016)


And that's all for now! Thanks for answering. It's okay even if you didn't, no obligations. :) I'm not a stalker, it's purely just to get to know y'all.

There'll be more of this between chapters, so keep a lookout if you'd like to answer the questions.

Next chapter will be out soon, so hang on there. Happy waiting! :P

--- drgonx_

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