Chapter 1

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Kate's POV

4 years have passed, and I guess everything changed.

Well, Ash got popular along with his band mates. I'm not gonna doubt that he's the drummer 'cause he used to teach me play drums back then.

I looked at my phone and accidentally got my eyes at the date.

It's been almost a year since we last talked. It's actually not in person, it's on social medias. Geez.

I bring myself back to my senses when I heard someone knocked at my room's door.

"Kate! Someone's waiting for you downstairs." Keith said.

I didn't know that we'll- I'll have a visitor today, bruh.

"K. Wait for a sec." I said as I stood up.

"Will?" I asked when I got at the living room. "What are you doing here?" I added.

He's my dad's PA 

"Good afternoon, Kate." He greeted.

I just nodded.

He handed me papers

"What are these for?" I asked as I turn the pages without reading anything.

"Your dad planed to quit his job and make you as his replacement." He said.

"Are you sure?!" I surprisedly asked.

He nodded.

Geez. I don't wanna be the manager of that animal band.

It has a dog, penguin, cat, and a pony. I don't want to live in a zoo. Ew.

"Can he just find somebody else?" I asked.

"They boys requested you." He stated.

So what if they requested me? I still don't want to.

"How about Keith?" I asked.

"Keith has a job remember?" He questioned back.

I scratched my head.

Make him quit his jobbbb. Joke.

"Why did he planed to quit his job?"

"To help you mom on your business."

For Pete's sake. I don't care if that animals lose their jobs.

"I'm still studying." I stated.

"You'll graduate the day after tomorrow."

Why does he know everything? Geez. Is he our family's stalker? Lmao.

My course was all about media. Tsk! I hate myself. Why did I even took that course?

"I don't wanna." I muttered as I looked away and crossed my arms.

"But Kate."

I'll accept this job if the animals' house wasn't a chaos. But the thing is. The Place was a total chaos.

"Does dad trust those guys so well that he even wanted me to  live with them. At the same house huh?" I asked.

I have so many questions. Lmao.

"I don't know." he answered.


"Just deal with it Kate. Stop being so finicky." Keith demanded.

Why won't he do it? Tsk! It's not that easy living with boys you don't really know.

"You're best friend was also there. I bet he'll not gonna let his band mates do something bad to you."  He said.

Best friend huh?

I didn't know if he changed or something. If I am now just his acquaintance or still his best friend.

"OK." I said as I pick the papers. "Do I need to read all these?"  I asked.

"It's up to you. But you better read those so you'll not gonna get confused about things." Will said as he stood up.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks."  I said and watch him as he leave.

I punched Keith on his arm before going back to my room.

I'll kill that guy.

"I don't want to be that band's manager!!" I immediately shouted as soon as I cover my face with a pillow.

I threw the pillow away when I heard my phone rang.

"Hello. Kate Kinnaird talking." I muttered when I answered the phone.

"Hey Kate! I heard you're now our new manager hahaha." The voice from the other line said.

Who is this? It's just a number by the way.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"You already forgot about me Kate Kat huh?"

Is this Ashton?

Nice huh. After a year without communication and everything.

Then now he'll just act like nothing changed. Geez. My feelings for him and us changed.

"How am I supposed to know you, if your number wasn't saved on my phone and I'm not in the mood to familiarize your voice? And psh! I'm not yet your band's manager. Don't get  so excited." I continuously said.

I catch my breath after I said those words. Geez. Why did I even put an effort on that when I should just end the call?

"Calm down dude! I'm just happy that you finally accepted the job." He said as he tried to prevent himself from laughing.

He still laughed tho.

"So you think I'm also happy because I accepted the job?" I a sternly asked.

"Kidding." I said after a minute of silence between us. I think he got offended with my words.

"See you guys soon." I said before ending up the call.

I know that my feelings for you were gone but I'm still happy because after 4 years I finally got to see you again.

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