He Who Changed Me

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As an aging teen, Sophie has difficulties like any other teenager. Struggling to find herself, forgiving her father, and then being taken completely by surprise when an unexpected friend comes to play. Her long time crush, Marshall takes Sophie on a journey that has its ups and down forcing her to come to new revelations. He makes her finally accept what she wants and deserves out of life. However falling in love with the most popular guy in school comes with its own set of baggage. Can Sophie learn to deal with it, or throw in the towel completely?


Its the start of the seventh grade and everyone is talking about their wonderful summer. What is so wonderful about it? Being shuffled between parents, fighting with whoever got in my way, and spending time with Jarrod does not seem special. The only thing that was remotely special was spending days with Jarrod. He's given me an escape route and I think I'm finally starting to "like" someone. Everyone is talking about how much they've grown and developed, while I stand here looking plain as always. I hear everyone gossip about this new kid in town, when Sadie runs up to me. "Did you hear? There's a new kid in town! His name is Marshall, he moved here from Seattle; and everyone says he's HOT!" she squeals and starts to pull my arm as we go in search of him. We finally hit the breeze-way when I spot him. WOW. He really is cute, very cute. I stare at him as he smiles at all the new faces. He looks up and we lock eyes, he smiles at me making me melt. An unfamiliar feeling washes over me, and I'm suddenly confused. Sadie turns to me and giggles, "You like him! I can tell!" I go crimson, how can she tell? I have'nt even accepted it myself, but she's right, I NEED to get to know this guy, but how?  

I hope you guys like this story! For a few weeks, Marshall and Sophie have been on my mind, and I hope you follow me to unravel their story. Let me know what you think about it and give me suggestions. Thanks again! Oh! Please be Advised strong language and minor sexual imagery. 

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