Chapter Two:

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The day ends and my friends and I start making our way to meet my other siblings. Talking with Sadie I hadn't realize someone in front of me until it was too late. I fell to the ground with a loud thud, "Shit" I mumble. "Oh I am so sorry I didn't see you there". I was just about to give some sarcastic remark, but was suddenly stopped. I look up into his eyes and take his extended hand, he pulls me up, Marshall inspects me asking if I'm alright.  My friends giggle making me flush, "How about I take you up on that rain check?" he smiles. "Oh, um sure" I smile. I turn to face Sadie, "I'll meet you guys at the house, can you tell Wyatt?" She nods at me with a huge grin and scurries off to meet my brother. 

We start to leave campus, when he starts asking me questions. "So do you only have one brother?" I laugh, "No. I have three, and a sister. I think you know my twin, Wyatt?" He stares at me for a second, "Wait...Wyatt Brooks? Your THE Sophie?"  "Um yes?" I answer a little confused. He starts to laugh, "Your brother, he...uh told us stories about you." WHAT! "Oh what he complains about me?" I ask. "No, well um yeah a little but he's very protective too." I roll my eyes, "Yeah they can be like that all the time." We both start to laugh, "So you're the one who hit a home run against Bailey High? And hit the Austin guy?" 

"Um, yeah, but he deserved it." I laugh. "Yeah he can be an ass sometimes," "So how many Siblings do you have?" I ask. "I have two brothers and three step sisters." Oh wow, is his parents divorced like mine? He finishes telling me about his family and his love for baseball when we finally reach my house, "So this is me, thanks for walking me home." "Anytime, see you tomorrow." he smiles winking at me. Whoa? I smile back and watch him walk off. I run into the house and everyone is starting to get ready for dinner tonight. "Be ready by 6pm dear" my mom says. I roll my eyes and head up to my room. I find Sadie sitting on my bed and she greets me with an enthusiastic grin, "So tell me everything, and don't leave ANYTHING out!" she screams. I tell her everything and she runs to my closet, picking out my clothes.

"I can pick out my own clothes!" I yell at her "You have to look extra nice, for Marshall!" I roll my eyes, it's so much easier to just let her do it rather than fight. I sit at my desk getting started on some homework. I glance at my phone,  I have an hour before I have to get ready. I'm deep in thought over my World History paper, when a ping from my lap top startles me. I click on the link, and its Marshall! He's sent me a friend request! I yell and tell Sadie, who is equally as exited as I am. When she leaves I begin to get ready. I'm showered, dressed, and ready to go on time. I hate having to go to dinner with him.. My dad always has some "great" news or is asking for something. Besides that woman and her kids, will be there no doubt. " Is SHE and her kids going to be there?" I ask once in the van. "He said no, but I wouldn't be surprised." Eli snorts. "I wish you wouldn't do that, "Ella snickers. "Do what? he is an ass" I laugh "I second that!"

"Enough. please try to be nice" my mom says. We ride in silence, the rest of the way. after about twenty minutes we arrive at the restaurant, and there he is with her and  his second family. "I told you" Eli whispers. "Hey guys, I hope you don't mind Jean and kids wanted to come?" my dad asks. "Oh I do." I mutter raising my hand. Everyone turns and scowls at me. Jean and her two kids walk in first and then we follow, my dad pulls me off to the side. "Sophie, sweetie, please try  to be nice  to Jean and the kids. They think you don't like them, and that's not true right?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to hurt you precious Jean" I say sarcastically. "Good" he smiles. " I hate her, and her kids." I say as I walk away from my shocked father. I find a seat between Eli and Wyatt,"Don't you just LOVE family time?" Eli mummers to me. "This should interesting". Dinner goes by slowly, my father jokes about his recent  "family" vacation. "Me and Billie went Sea Bass fishing, and it was so much fun, huh pal?" he smiles at Billie his new son. I glance over at Wyatt, then Collin and they both look hurt. They always wanted to go fishing, ugh he is so irritating, hasn't he hurt us enough? Eli notices my clenches fists, "Ease up sis, I'm irritated too." He whispers. "This is ridiculous" I say a little to loud. My mom looks ay me with blazing eyes, "What sweetie?" my dad asks. I stare at him, while everyone stares at me. "Nothing, But why don't you just tell us why we're all here." I say bitterly. " To eat sweetie" he chuckles.

"Oh please, we all know you only come around for two things. To brag or ask for something, so what do you want?" I say. "Hey don't talk like that to MY dad!" Billie says standing and leaning over the table so he's in my face. Wyatt and Eli both grab on of my arms to try to hold me back. They stare between Billy and I, as I try to let what he just said sink in. "What did you just say to me?" I ask My dad breaks the silence, "Surprise. I wanted to tell you that I'm going to adopt Jeans kids, and that I've asked her to marry me." he give a shy smile and reaches over to grab her hand. We sit silently, and the only thing heard was the clatter of the other customers. "Congratulations" my mom whispers. I stare at her, and I can tell she's sad. She always loved my father even if he never deserved it. She always told me, "I will always love your father, he gave me all of you". She raises her glass and everyone toasts, I look around the table and everyone seems to be happy, or maybe just faking it? My mom asks about the wedding plans and that sets my soon-to-be-stepmother off. I glance over at my siblings who look as if someone has stabbed them, I look over to the trolls kids and they have a look on their face as if the won some battle. Billie and Sarah look at my dad with pure adoration, which instantly make me angry. 

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" I yell, standing and grabbing my jacket. " Sweetie, don't-" I hold up my hand "Save it dad, this is bullshit and you know it!" I stand in front of him and a shudder goes through my body. "Stop, Soph, we should be happy for him," Ella says. "Happy? For what? I really don't care, do what you want, you never really cared about us anyways. You've known for so long, that Wyatt and Collin wanted to go fishing, but never could take them because why? You were to "busy" with the troll and her kids!  How do you expect to be a father to them when you walked out on us?" I turn to Jeans kids, " Prepare to be disappointed." "He's not like anymore. He loves us, and we love him." Sarah whispers. I return the glance at my dad, "Then why bother calling us? You, have all you need right there." I say not being able to control the hurt in my voice "Cause sweetie, I want you-all of you in my life." He says trying to place his hand on my shoulder. I take a step back as he drops his arm, "No, I REFUSE to be hurt or bothered by you anymore, just stay away from me. Don't wait up for me mom." and with that I storm out of the restaurant and onto the cool, bustling street. 

I start to pick up pace walking down the street, I need to let go of all this pain. I hear my phone going off in my pocket, refusing to answer it; I let it go to voice mail. I continue on, and decide I can't hold it in anymore, and let out a quiet sob which starts the uncontrollable tears. I walk pass a group of guys, which I guess heard me crying. One of them grabs my arm asking if i'm alright, I try to tug my arm free but fail. I clench my fist and punch him in the jaw, his friend steps closer to his body on the ground. "You BITCH!", he stand and inches closer towards me and I step back feeling someone standing right behind me, I gasp. 

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