Chapter Three:

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I immediately turn to face whoever was behind me. I was relieved to see Marshall standing in front of me, "Hey what are you doing over here?" He looks over my shoulders and notices the guy with a bloody nose. "What the fuck are you doing?" he asks the pack of guys. "I was just seeing if she was okay, but she went all ballistic on me and punched my nose!" Marshall shakes his head, "Just beat it, all of you, Justin get your ass home before I call dad." They all scurry off, "Sorry about that, my brother and his friends can be jerks, you alright?" I nod "I could've handle it myself, you didn't have to help me." He lets out a chuckle "You're welcome."

"Oh yeah thanks," I turn to start to continue my walk, "Hey wanna get some ice cream with me?" I hesitate, "It always helps me when I'm feeling down." I raise and eyebrow at him, "Who said I was feeling down?" He holds up his hands, "I just thought you could use someone to talk to, no need to be snappy." I look down at the ground, "Sure. And thanks for helping me and sorry for being snappy." He smiles, grabs my hands and we walk over to the ice cream shoppe. 

"I got it," He says as he orders, I flush thankful that he offered since I forgot to grab my purse. Once we've gotten our orders we grab a table and start to eat and talk. "So want to talk about it?" he asks staring at me. "NO" I snap. He looks at me a little hurt, "I mean, I just hate talking about my dad," I confess, "You don't have to explain. My mom she uhh, walked out on us when I was two. She tries, to talk to my brother and I, but well we hate her too." Oh? Finally someone who understands. "It's just hard to talk to people who know nothing about it. All my friends have both parents, they'll never fully understand."

 "I know, but you can talk to me. I'll always be here for you." He smiles at me, and I can feel myself calm. His smile is really beautiful, making me melt in response. "How long have your parents been divorced?" He asks pulling me away from my thoughts. "Since I 6. My brother Collin just turned one when he walked out. But even while he and my mother were together, he was never there. Always away on trips and working." He frowns, "I'm sorry" "Don't be," I answer, I glance at my phone which continues to buzz. It's Eli, I decide to answer, "Hello?"

"Hey where are you?"

"The ice cream shoppe, but don't worry I'm safe."

"Stay there I'm coming to get you."

Before I can answer he hangs up. "My brother is coming to get me." We finish our ice creams and we wait out front for my ride. Eli arrives, "You need a ride?" I ask Marshall. "No, I got my truck" I smile at him, "You got a truck and yet  you made me walk home?" He chuckles "Oh no, I just got it today, gift for getting my licence." I giggle, "Well thanks for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow, night" "Goodnight Sophie, sweet dreams." And with that he's gone.

We drive home in silence, "I'm glad you're okay," Eli says as we drive up into the driveway. "Yeah, sorry about dinner, is mom mad?" He nods, and we head inside. I find my mother sitting on the couch watching T.V. I stand there waiting for her to explode, but I'm shocked by her clam demeanor "Hey mom, I'm so sorry about tonight." She looks up at me, "It's okay sweetie, we all had a tiring day, but please answer your phone, we were all worried sick." I nod "I was glade you said something tonight," She says as we walk upstairs. "Really why?" I ask curious. "Cause you finally expressed how you felt, and now maybe you can forgive your father and move forward." I snort "Never mom, never." 

We all go to bed exhausted by tonight's events, I on the other hand toss and turn thinking all night about Marshall. I finally drift to sleep, but only to be awakened by my annoying alarm clock. I get up and get ready for school. I walk over to Sadie's house and thank her for picking the perfect outfit. I tell her about happened last night with Marshall, and she giggles, "He definitely likes you!" The first two classes fly by and it's soon lunch. I grab my usual seat next to my friends and we start chatting. I see Marshall sitting across the forum with his friends, he looks up and we lock eyes. He waves at me, making me smile, and I return the wave. Out of nowhere a girl sits next to him, a skinny little blonde, cheerleader type; but he never drops his eyes from mine.

I'm brought back to reality when Micheal sits next to me. "Hey Sophie! Earth to Sophie!" I look over to him "Huh?" "We still gonna work on our project today?" he asks smiling " Oh yeah sure, I'll meet you by the office after school?" "Okay," He glances over at Marshall then back at me, "You and that Marshall kid, you guys together?" "What? No." "I think he likes you, he can't stop looking at you." I look up and sure enough, he is still staring and not paying attention to Miss Chatterbox. I smile to myself and let out a little giggle. "He's a lucky guy," I look up a Micheal, "Mike you know I like you, but just as a friend." He smiles I know, "See you after school," he rushes off before I can say anything else. I sigh, I hope I didn't offend him?

I stand and walk over to the vending machines, and grab me a soda. "Hey Sophie," Marshall says standing next to me. " Hey" I smile back. "You going to Sam's party this Friday?" "Yeah, he's really good friends with Eli. How about you?" "Yeah, maybe we should go together? I mean you and your friends could- um come with me and my friends." he says nervously. I giggle, Mr Perfect is nervous? "Sure" I turn to leave when he grabs my arm. "Um Sophie, are you free this afternoon?" "Oh actually, I have plans with Micheal." His face falls, "Oh your boyfriend?" I can't help but laugh, "Um no, my lab partner." "Oh, uhh I just thought. Oh okay, I'll see you later. Bye Sophie." I smile, "Bye, Marshall."

The day carries on, and as planed I meet Micheal at the office. We decide to work at the library, and finally finish our research and paper. He decides to walk me home, "Thanks Micheal, I'll see you tomorrow!" I call after him as he walks towards his house, "Bye" he yells back, I run into the house and to the kitchen to grab a drink. I'm shocked by the sight of my father sitting next to my mother.

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