17: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

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We finally got something to eat after we left that nasty place they call a restaurant. We decided to go to the beach for a late night walk because why not? We're not going to be here forever.

I was walking along the shore with Devin while everyone else ran away somewhere. One of my hands were holding Devin's while my other hand held my shoes. We were walking in a comfortable silence, besides the sound of waves crashing against the shore. The peace didn't last that long though.

Devin let out a high-pitched scream as he jumped high into the air, away from where I was standing.

"What's wrong with you?" I question.

"I felt something other than water touch my foot," he spoke with a disgusted look on his face. We both simultaneously looked down at the sound only to find a piece of seaweed.

Once Devin realized what it was, he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. I laughed at his scariness.

"I mean like it was dark and I didn't know what it was because like...it was dark," he attempted to explain which only made me laugh as I continued to walk.

We heard a scream in the distance and immediately after we spotted Jalen and Skye running toward us. The sight of seeing Jalen running made me furrow my eyebrows. He never runs.

When they finally reached us, they were out of breath and Jalen was hunched over trying to catch his breath.

"What happened?" Devin asked curiously.

"Someone. Was. Ov-dammit," Jalen tried to speak but he began to cough.

"Someone was standing near that shed staring at us holding some type of murder weapon," Skye said as clearly as she could.

"I'm sure y'all are over exaggerating," I said shrugging off their assumptions. Once again, there was another scream in the distance. Soon after, Kevin, Daniel, and Janae came sprinting our way.

"What's wrong now?" I ask, unbothered.

"There's this man with a murder weapon staring at us," Janae chocked up.

"Not again," Devin mumbles.

"Wait, where's Michelle" Jalen asks. I just realized she was missing, along with everyone else.

"We were playing hide-n-seek and she hid really well so I couldn't find her and I gave up," Kevin rambled.

"If you think there is a murderer here, why would you leave your girlfriend man?" Skye asked which made Kevin to bite his lip in thought.

As he was about to answer, there was a loud cry of help in the distance. All of our heads snapped in the direction of the screams, each of us wishing it wasn't Michelle.


-This is something short since I haven't updated in a while + there will be a part two.
-I decided to change the theme of the book since I wasn't going anywhere with the other plot.

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