8: Skye

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Before everyone got into their separate cars to go to Pablo's Pizza Place since we had nothing better to do, Jalen came running out of the school building with a girl behind him.

"This is Skye. She's going, I'm not gonna be the 7th wheel anymore," Jalen informed us. We all greeted her. She seems like a great person.

We all arrived at the same time and chose a booth. Devin held the door for everyone, surprisingly, and I was the last person to walk in. As I entered the Italian-themed restaurant, I felt a stinging sensation on my butt. I turn around to find Devin wearing a goofy smile. I laugh then I pinch his nipple. I greet Pablo as I'm walking to our table. I take a seat next to Skye while Devin sits next to me.

"I didn't know you went to our school," Daniel admitted to Skye. Everyone agreed, except me since we have home room together. "Yea we have no classes together, I don't even remember how I met Jalen," Skye responded. We all nodded and laughed until the waitress came to take our order.

"One large pepperoni and one large cheese," Michelle requested for all of us as the waitress wrote down our order. Before the waitress walked away, she refilled our drinks.

"So what y'all tryna do for spring break?" I asked the group since its in just a few days. Everyone shrugged their shoulders. Well damn.

"Wait no...lets go skiing," Janae suggested. "I'm sorry but hell no. Black people don't go skiing. Hell wrong with you?" Kevin responded with a snappy tone. She rolled her eyes and sat back into her seat and Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"We could just stay home, eat, sleep, eat, and well, eat," Jalen stated. "Of course you would want to, fat ass," Michelle mumbled. Jalen simply flicked her off while attempting to drink some of his Coke. He couldn't catch the straw. It's like he was basically chasing it with his mouth. We all laughed. He finally got fed up and snatched the straw and placed it into his mouth. This made us all laugh even harder.

"You guys could go to the beach," Skye slightly whispered as we all calmed down. We all agreed. "Hey you should come with," Jalen invited. Once again we all agreed while waiting on her reply. "Eh I guess," she said. We all cheered while she smiled. What's a better way to get to know her? Nothing is better than going to the beach with a somewhat stranger for a week. I'm going to stop acting like I'm saying a plot of a horror movie, but if she on some demonic shit, SHE GOT TO GO!

Devin's POV:

Tonight was a good night. After we finished the pizzas, YN and I stayed to pay the check while everyone went outside. I honestly don't even know how this happened, but oh well. After we finished with that, I walked YN to Jalen's car.

"Thanks for walking me to the car and good night," YN said about to close her door. I stopped her from closing her door and bent down to her level. She just stared at me so I made the first move and kissed her. She didn't kiss back at first, I'm guessing from shock, but she soon started to kiss back.

I broke the kiss. "YN will you be my girlfriend?" I asked hoping that she wouldn't reject me. I was trying to read her face, but she was really good at hiding her emotions. Moments later, she grabbed my face and smashed her lips into mine. After a few minutes we pulled apart. "Is that answer good enough for you?" YN asked while biting her lip. I chucked and allowed her to close her door.

"See you later babe," I said winking then walking away towards my car. I heard her whisper,"I've waited so long for this moment." I slightly chuckled to myself and shook my head. This girl.


I got home to find a text from Devin.

"I'm so excited for spring break," it read.
"Yea same, but isn't it past your bedtime."
"Nah, but it's your bedtime. Better listen to BigDaddy Dev 💦."
"My dad's name isn't Dev 🤔"
"I didn't say dad I said BigDaddy."
"Yea okay bye this convo is over."
"😂 goodnight babe"
"goodnight Dev 💕"

I smiled at our conversation and saved his contact as 'BigDaddy Dev 💕✨' before putting my phone on the charger. If he ever finds out, I'll never hear the end of it.

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