Ch. 5 - Near The End

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A/N: Hey everyone! Me again! Hoping your enjoying this as much as I'm having much fun writing it!


Mark's PoV:

Last night, PAX was amazing. I've gotten to meet so many fans and other youtubers. Though, after the party was the best. I could finally tell Sean how I felt. I thought he would not want to be friends anymore because of it, but the opposite happened.

He kissed me! And soon after, we both decided to start dating. Though with our lives it will be hard, so we decided to keep it secret until we were both confident about coming out and such. Anyways, second day of PAX is starting soon, and Sean was in the shower awhile.

I looked at the mirror to make sure the outfit I was wearing looked fine.

"Mark you look fine." Sean said, coming out of the bathroom. I jumped a little, but then blushed.

"Why thank you." I say, jokingly posing.

He rolled his eyes but smiled. "You're too much." he went over to the bed to sit down.

"And your too hot." I replied, but then blushed right away. God, did I just say that?

"You know it!" he said, tying his shoes. I smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Sean, I've been thinking." I started.

"Oh no." he joked.

I softly punch him, "Hey!"

He smiled, "Sorry, go ahead."

"I've been thinking. What are you going to do after PAX ends?" I ask.

His smile fades into a serious look, "Oh, I was going to go back after a couple days."

To this, we were both silent, not sure what to say until a knock came to our door. I stood up to answer it.

Wade was on the other side, "Morning Mark. Came up here to walk with you guys to PAX."

I smiled, "Oh, sure. We're both ready." I turned towards the room, "JACK, we should get going."

He came to the door, "Alright, let's go." This was going to be an awkward day. Sean and I hung around each other going to our signings and meetings. Luckily, we didn't have any panels today. Wade then asked me if I wanted to go to the party tonight, but I declined. I was too tired from all the events today.

I slowly trudged back to the room, and opened the door to see Sean laying on the bed. His arm was across his eyes, but then was raised so he could see whom was at the door. Seeing it was me, he covered his eyes back, "Oh, hey."

His voice sounded raspy and I was confused. What was wrong? I went to him, "Sean?"

"Hm?" he simply replied.

"What's wrong. You seem down."

"Just tired." he tried to smile, but I could see it was more.

"Sean, you're lying." to this he seemed to tense. "Tell me what's wrong." I sit down next to him.

"I said I'm fine." To this, I grab his arm and remove it. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Sean?!" I looked to him in concern.

He looked away from me, "I've been thinking. How are we going to stay connected when I go to Ireland?"

Oh, he was thinking about that? Great, I shouldn't have brought it up. "Sean, we'll figure something out."

"Mark I don't think this will work."

I wiped a tear away from his eye, "We'll make it work. If we really need it, we can get the money to either pay for a ticket to LA or Ireland."

This seems to relax him, "Are you sure you don't want another guy?"

"What? Are you serious? I would pick you a million times if I got the chance."

He smiled, "Cheesy much?"

I leaned down to kiss his cheek, "Only for the best person."

To this, he wrapped his arms around me, "Thanks Mark." He said. I wrapped my arms around him to embrace him back. Tears wet my shirt, but I didn't care.

A while later, Sean calmed down and the two of us were watching tv. "Mark?" Sean then said.

"Yeah?" I responded.



"For choosing me, for loving me, far comforting me...Should I continue."

I smiled, "Only if you want to."

He rolled his eyes and put his hand up to my chin to turn my head towards him. He then leaned in to connect our lips. My eyes flutter close as time all around us seem to stop.


A/N: Hey, it's me again! Sorry if Sean and Mark seem out of character! I'm not good with keeping in character for fanfics! Please tell me what you're thinking about this series! I'd love to hear from you all! Thanks for continuing to read! I'm having so much fun writing this! Soon I'll go back to writing my Phan AU. :P

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