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Hey guys! ArtisticWind here, AKA Sara if ya wanna call me that. Anyways, I just wanted to quickly thank everyone for all the views! We have over 400 views on this fanfic here on WattPad. Thanks everyone for their contribuation to this great fic.

I gotta be honest and say this is probably one of my favorite fanfics that I've ever written. So, I'm so happy you all are enjoying it as well! So, I have some ideas for future episodes for VidCon, but after that, I'm kinda at a stand still.

This is where you come in! I need some ideas and was wondering if you guys had any! There's a big chance that it'll be in this fanfic. I want this fanfic to be a community based one, so if you guys have any ideas that pop into your head, give me a shout! I'd love to hear your ideas! Anyways, you guys are awesome! See you when I post my next chapter!

~ ArtisticWind

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