Chapter 11 - A Holiday Greeting

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A/N: Happy Holidays everyone! Welcome to chapter 11! I'm so excited to do a special for this fanfic! I've fallen in love with writing this story and it's all thanks to you guys for helping me be positive! So, enough talking from me! On with the story!!

Narrator PoV (Third Person):

VidCon was long past over as Winter in America sprung over the land. Snow covered most roads and yards as Mark sighed in his living room. He was staring at his Skype that he sent a message to a particular someone.

It wasn't like Mark was impatient, he just was worried that his boyfriend would decline the offer to come back over to LA for a Christmas party he was hosting. Wade, Bob, and a few other friends were coming as well, but it wouldn't be the same without Jack.

A few minutes passed as a reply came up on his screen;

Hey Mark! Sorry I haven't replied! Power went down. Anyways, I'd love to come! Sounds like an epic party, but it won't be totally wicked without me!

Mark smiled widely as he replied,

M - Oh shut it! You know I'd make a party awesome without even trying.'

The two battled it out on who'd make the party the best it could be as both were laughing on the other side of the screen. So, it was a definite yes that he was coming!

Hey, Mark....We're not telling our friends yet. Right?

Jack replied after another long pause. At first, Mark was confused at what Sean was talking about, but it clicked in. Their friends don't know about their relationship. Jack's been holding coming out for a while.

M - Do you not want them to know?

Mark replied. He didn't know if he should say yes or no in this sort of thing. He had such a hard time not saying anything to Bob or Wade, and truly it felt horrible to keep something like this secret.

Another long pause, 'Do you think they'll hate us?'

M - How could they hate us? They're our friends, Jack.

I know! I'm just scared.

Mark grinned, 'Some boss.'

HEY! I'm a boss and ya know it!

M - I know, and I understand. If you don't want them to know that's fine. But we can't keep this from them forever.

As Mark waited for a reply he started cleaning the kitchen up. He lives alone these days and it shows. Not that Mark's lazy, he just never had the chance to fully clean his house. Throwing some trash away, he goes back to his computer to see if his boyfriend responded.

Mark, I know. Let's just play this party by year, ok?

That sounded like a reasonable request so Mark agreed and said bye to Sean and went back to cleaning after starting to upload his video.

This was going to be an interesting Christmas!

- - - - - {TIME SKIP TO CHRISTMAS} - - - - -

Bob and Wade came almost right away claiming they wanted to help set up things; even though everything was pretty much set up. They helped do touch ups and start to heat up food.

Mark glances down to his phone and grabs his keys. "I'll be back guys! Don't burn down the house while I pick up Jack!" he goes out the door to pick Sean up at the airport.

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