Ch. 15 | I Love You

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A/N: Before I start, I just want to warn y'all that there are some nods to sexual acts and does get a bit steamy but I will not be writing smut. I find it too weird to write my two biggest heroes having sex... So, I decided to not write any smut. >_< Sorry.

Other than that, There'll be two more chapters... I wanted to try and make it a good number but I honestly don't have any ideas for chapters and just honestly want this series to end. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this's just kinda put a huge weight on me that I want off. So, without further or do.... Enjoy~

Third-Person PoV {Narrator}

The next day the hospital released Mark with some medications to take for a while and instructed him not to do a lot of physical activity.

The group made it back to Mark's house and immediately Mark went to his recording room to inform everyone that he was ok. Sean, who was still in the living room, said simple goodbyes to Tyler and Ethan as they had to go somewhere.

Now that he thinks about it, Ethan's been spending a lot of time with Tyler. Nothing really wrong with it, but Ethan gets a bit nervous when asked about Tyler. Very suspicious... He sighed as he looked around the house. Here, he felt at home once more.

The house never changed. He went to Mark's room and gasped at the wreckage. Bed covers were messed up and there were two empty beer bottles. He fixed the covers and picked up the bottles to throw them away.

"Those are recycling, Sean." Mark called as he made his way from his recording room.

Sean jokingly sighed and put them in the recycling bin. Mark then embraced him from behind, which surprised him a bit.

"Thanks for coming back. Sorry you had to do so in my stupidity." He apologized, kissing the back of Sean's neck.

Sean giggled at this and somehow managed to turn himself to face Mark. This was crazy, just a few days ago he left for Ireland, just to come back.

He kissed Mark's forehead, "Glad you're ok, you goofy goober."

Mark snickered at this, "Been a while since I heard that one."

Sean shrugged and kissed him on the lips, "Yeah, it has."

Mark then put his head on Jack's shoulder, "I'm sorry... I just." He sighed, seeming lost at words.

"Don't apologize. We were both messes. Which brings me to an idea."

Mark looks at him, "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

Sean bit his lip. Was he ready for this? Probably not. "I...was thinking that I could...move in...?"

Mark blankly looked at him in disbelief, "Really?!"

Sean nodded and Mark quickly pulled him into a kiss. "I'd love that more than ever. But, are you going to be ok with doing that? You, yourself said LA was too much for you."

"If it means I see you more, I think I can deal with it. I'll get used to it. Getting used to living with you would be the challenge."

The two laughed at this, "It'll all work out." Mark said, pulling Sean into a deep kiss. "I love you so much, Sean."

"I love you too Mark."

Days turned into weeks as Sean told everyone he was moving to LA. He said goodbye to his family and friends and had a moving crew move his stuff. To be honest, Sean found the whole thing fly by...literally.

Mark soon made the time to come out to his fans about him being gay. Many fans started to theorize about the Septiplier ship being real. The two had wanted to say they were going out but it was too early for that.

Tyler and Ethan came over a lot to film skits and soon Sean started to join in. It was starting to become normal. LA was big, but Sean started to get the hang of the city and soon started to love the city charm. Mark was then allowed by doctors to do physical activity again and soon, life just moved on.

Something then dawned on Sean. Wasn't it soon Mark's birthday? What the hell would he give him? He checked the calendar and sure enough, Mark's birthday was tomorrow. Well, that was some good timing. Sean's just a perfect boyfriend, isn't he?

"Hey, Sean. How are you?" Ethan came into the kitchen.

"Just remembered that Mark's birthday was tomorrow. How are you?"

He shrugged as he sat down at the table, "Just thinking."

"Oh?" Sean looked at him, intrigued.

He blushed, "It's nothing." He waved off.

Sean put a hand on his hip jokingly, "Come on, what is it?"

"Well...just relationship things I guess?" His face grew red.

"Ah, who's the lucky one?" Sean joined him at the table.

"That's kinda a secret."

Sean nodded, "It's Tyler, right?"

Ethan flinches, his cheeks pure "I-is it that obvious?"

Sean shook his head, "Not really. Tyler is a bit naïve but you two seemed to have been doing a lot together...So, I took a wild guess."

"Just... don't say anything to him. Ok?"

Sean nodded, "I won't. I wish you luck, man."

"Wish luck with what?" As if he was called upon by some fanfiction writer, Tyler strides in the room.

"Um...Ethan was just telling me that he was going to record another episode of Cluster Truck. It's a pretty hard game, so..." Sean somehow quickly thought of an excuse which seemed to have given Ethan some relief.

Tyler nodded and grabbed a plate, "Up for some pancakes?"

They all said yes and everyone ate. Then, Ethan and Tyler left and the house was a bit quiet as Mark washed the dishes and Sean cleaned the table.

When done, Sean went to hug Mark from behind, which surprised him a bit but then he laughed. "Not until these dishes are done." He said. Sean jokingly pouted but still let go of Mark to go sit on their couch. Heh, still a bit weird to say that.

Mark finished and walked to the living room and sighed. "Done." He simply said as he plopped down next to Sean.

They cuddled together to then share some small kisses. Sean, in a playful mood all of the sudden, decided to start a trail of kisses down to Mark's neck and playfully bit down.

Mark moaned at the sudden move but tilted his head to allow Sean more room. Sean moved on top of Mark's lap to lay a hard kiss on his lips. Mark's tongue asked for entrance which Sean graciously accepted.

The two tongues danced as Mark cheekily moved his one hand down to Sean's pants, pressing into a small tent that was forming. Sean moaned, making Mark the victor and he started to explore Sean's mouth.

Sean started to roll his hips, in need of some friction. Fuck he was getting hot and needy. Mark grabbed Sean's shirt to pull it off to then pull off his own.Their breaths were short as the two connected lips again.

"Fuck, wait." Mark said, catching his breath as he pulled away from Sean. Sean looked confused into Mark's dilated eyes. "You sure you want to go further?" He asked concerned.

Sean was touched that Mark was worried and kissed his lips, "More than you can believe." The two smiled as Mark lifted Sean and himself up from the couch to walk them into his room. Kicking the door closed, the two were happy that the neighbors didn't live too close as the night rolled on.

A/N: Yay XD It's another chapter down! Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see everyone in the next chapter! ^_^ Thanks for coming by~

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