Ch. 17 | I Do

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A/N: Hey everyone! Just some quick notices I'm not very sure how weddings are supposed to go so I just went with my gut. Please know that I tried my best to make this chapter sound good but some parts might not exactly sound good. I'm not the best at ending series but I'm so sad to finally finish this story.

On the bright side, I am thinking about making a short Tythan AU fanfic so tell me if you're interested in seeing that. I thank you all for putting up with me, and with that.... Enjoy~

Narrator PoV

It was a sunny day with a slight breeze and clear skies. Some birds chirped as they glided over the beautiful outdoor setting.

An arc which had flowers wrapped around it was set up in the open plain. White seats lined up in two rows. There was an area to the far right with tables and chairs. Some had green flower vases and the others had red. The ones that held the green vase had red balloons tied around it as so the red vases had green balloons.

In the dressing room, Sean looked at his reflection studying his outfit. He was dressed head to toe in a white tux and shoes. His bow tie was a nice shade of red. Sean kept looking at each side of himself making sure he looked perfect.

A knock on the door and soon Ethan entered. He was in a full black tux and his tie was a maroon red. He looked at Sean with a smile.

"You look fine, Sean." Ethan said walking up to him. Sean turned to him with a wavering smile and sighed, "I know... I just can't believe it."

The two were silent as they looked at the reflections in front of them. "It does feel weird. I mean I am so lucky to have met Mark to then meet you. To think you guys are tying the knot is a wonderful feeling."

Sean nodded, but a small little voice came into his head telling him otherwise. Did he judge things too quickly? Should he cancel it before Mark gets tied to someone like him? He shouldn't be here...

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked. Sean flinched, not knowing he said the last part out loud.

Sifting nervously, he put his hand up to the back of his head, "I just can't keep thinking that Mark deserves better. I'm nothing special." He sighed, looking at his reflection once more. "He chose me, and I chose him. I should be happy, ecstatic and excited."

"Woah," Ethan said, putting his hand up to stop him from continuing, "I think you're putting too much pressure on yourself. It's easy to see your nervous, but both of you are two awesome people and worked thru so much. Stop worrying about who could've dated who." He put his hand firmly on Sean's shoulder, "Enjoy this day as it is."

Sean was grateful for his best man. Why'd he choose Ethan? Because he was there when things got rough. Sean could vent grudges and Ethan would almost always have a solution. He was there when Mark was in the hospital, when Sean needed help with last minute gifts, and most importantly, the fitting of his tux.

"Thanks Ethan." He hugged Ethan tight and then looked at him, "I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks a lot, man."

He shrugged with a goofy grin, "It's the least I could do Sean."

Another knock came to the door. "Five minutes." Tyler's voice came through the door.

He then walked back to Mark's room to find Mark pacing endlessly.

"Mark, chill man." Tyer said after closing the door.

"I can't!" Mark said in frustration, "What if I forget the lines? What if I drop the ring? What if-"

Tyler put his hand on Mark's shoulder to stop his pacing, "Dude, seriously everything will be fine."

Mark sighed trying his best to shake off his nerves, but his mind just wandered back to what could go wrong. "I'm just so...scared." He looked downcast, "I wasn't ready for this."

"There never will be a perfect time for a wedding but today will work out perfectly." Tyler reassured him as he lead Mark out of the room to the doors of the building to go to the outside setup. The doors were propped open as people found their way to their seats.

"You think my dad is proud of me?" Mark asked, a small lump in his throat as he just stared at the arc with the rows piling with their friends and family.

"Of course he'd be. Sean's a great guy and you two seem happy with each other. Also, you work extremely hard to make videos that people watch. Mark, I think he'd be ecstatic."

Mark smiled in relief as if he needed to hear that, "Thanks, man."

'A Thousand Years' started playing and that was their cue. His friends Bob and Wade first walked out, then to be followed by Tyler then him. Their guests all stood as he walked towards the arc. His legs felt heavy, but he kept moving.

He got to his spot and questions started to flood his mind again. 'What was he doing here?' was the question that kept recurring. Then he looked down the aisle to see Felix, Robyn, Ethan and then.... 'Oh my god' Mark thought as his breath was taken away.

His eyes fixated on Sean as he walked up to his spot across Mark. Sean was perfect, no doubt about it. How did he become so lucky for this day to even be happening?

Sean nervously smiled at his fiancee. Mark looked stunning as always, but maybe sexier? (If that was even possible) How the hell did Sean get so lucky?

The judge started the ceremony but the two weren't really paying close attention. They just kept staring lovingly at each other, not believing for a second this was real. It all felt like a dream come true.

"The vows, Sean." The judge's voice broke their gaze. Sean tensed for a second but then sighed. He can do this.

"I promise to love you as you for the rest of our days, through sickness and health. I will always love you. As you always have said, no matter the struggle we will work it out together, and I promise to keep that promise. I will love you for your flaws and love you as Mark and nothing less. I will love you always."

'Don't cry, Mark. Keep it together. Come one, you can do this.' He has to make this perfect, he can't screw this up.

"I, Mark Fischbach, promise to take care of you thru sickness and health as long as I live. I will love you endlessly through our fights and through our flaws. I will love you as Sean and never expect that to change. I will love you as long as I live."

The two smiled slipping on the rings and hear "You may now kiss." The two leaned in, kissing each other in celebration. Their family and friends applauded as the now pronounced husbands took hands to walk back down the aisle.

Soon pictures were taken and the catering began to then move on to the party. Sean and Mark danced with their mothers first to then switch to dancing with their mother-in-laws. Then Sean danced with his dad to then give Mark time to dance with him too.

Everything was absolutely perfect. They all danced the night away. The cake was then brought out as the two grabbed the knife together to cut the first slice.

Grabbing the piece the two fed the other. Sean smirked devilishly as he then smeared some of the frosting over Mark's face. Mark laughed at this as he then did the same. The two then kissed each other, licking off some of the frosting before wiping the rest off with napkins.

And soon the whole event came to a close. Family and friends saying their goodbyes and congrats and soon the two drove back to the house.

Ethan and Tyler followed behind with most of the gifts as they met up at the house with Bob, Wade, Robyn, and Felix to open gifts and just to hang out.

Eventually, their friends left and the two had what was left of the night to themselves. It wasn't a quiet night, that was for sure.

The two were finally together for life. They were happy and nothing could ever change how they loved the other. No marriage was perfect though as they had small arguments here and there, but as they promised they got through all of the struggles together. They lived happily together happily ever after.

~ Fin ~

A/N: I- I'm not crying... Who cut the onions?! TT^TT I can't believe this guys.... I have to say this has been one of my best works. I'm so so so happy that I finished it. I want to send a huge thank you to everyone who read this. You guys are awesome! I'll see ya around some time.

P.S. - Don't kill me....

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