Chapter 3

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From: chelseafan456

Cc: Tabby1990


You are probably right that I overstress about exams. Mum is always putting pressure on me to do well. I just wish I could impress her.

From your mystery FRIEND




Subject:Re - Aquaintance?

Dear my mystery Friend,

Are you going to Jazzie's party on Saturday?
It will probably be the same old getting drunk and my boyfriend trying to get into my underwear.

Anyway, that's none of your concern, I'm not complaining, I hate people who moan about their problems. For fricks sake, I don't even know who you are!

If you are going, maybe I will see you there? Xx


From: chelseafan456

Cc: Tabby1990

Subject:(no subject)

If that's what your boyfriend is like, then  you deserve so much better.

I know we will never know who one other is, but sometimes it's nice to have someone like that who can listen.

Oh and I'm not going to the party... it's not really my 'scene'.

Your friend Xx

P.S. I mean it, you are clever and funny and deserve to be treated as a human being





The party was rubbish like I expected. However, I did dump my boyfriend, and it was all because  gave me motavation. Thank you.
I was just talkin to some of my other mates, and he came over slurring and stuck his hand up my top right there and then! I chucked my drink all over his shirt, he started swearin, callin me a slut and whatever and everyone just stood and laughed. I'm glad I had got the confidence to dump that scum.

But u don't know me so you don't understand, I don't deserve better.

From your Friendxx

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