Chapter 2

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From: Tabby1990

Cc: chelseafan456

Subject: Ikr

Dear Chelseafan456

First of all, my name is not Tabby, the email is based on my cat. I will not tell you my real name, or I would have to kill you!

Secondly, WHAT ????? IT IS LIKE YOU VOMIMITED A DICTIONARY! What is with all the long words?

So it's not only me who was emailed by some idiot. I was emailed by 1h8aaron, which I know is Jade because she broke up with him last week.

...No offense if you are Aaron. Think he supports Liverpool anyways.

Oh and Happy xmas to u Xx

From: chelseafan456

Cc: Tabby1990

Subject:Re- Ikr

Dear person with a cat called Tabby,

No, I didn't vomit a dictionary, they are much too bland - I prefer a Thesaurus.

No, I am not Aaron. I think almost everyone else has given up with this 'Secret Santa' thing already.

What type of cat do you have?

Anyway, I can't talk forever because I am so gonna fail this science test If I don't revise :(
However, I do find the book 'Gcse Science-Revision guide useful.

From your e-pal. Xx


From: Tabby1990

Cc: chelseafan456

Subject: Revision?

I can't believe that u actually revise! I don't need GCSEs, I will just marry someone famous. There are plenty of successful reality TV stars who don't have A* in Religious Studies.

Also e-pals sounds totally  lame.
From Your Mystery Aquaintance xx


Tick, Tick. 2 minutes left till lunch. I check my phone *NO NEW MESSAGES*.

When the bell finally rings, the teacher wants to talk to me, puts on the 'I'm on your side and want what is best for you face' I tell him "No sir, the work is not too hard" and "Yes sir, I am nearly finished catching up with coursework"

If I wanted to leave, I could. I did once. I had it all planned out, emergency measures, alternative routes, excuses about dental appointments if I got caught. But I didn't get caught, I walked out just like that. No one even noticed I was gone.

I'm bored out of my mind watching A pair of year 10s make out. They all think that they have found "the one" when actually most of them are so insecure that at the first sign of any male attention, they just melt. Girls then cry to their friends when the guy just did it to show off. They swear that they are heartbroken and will never love again. They have no idea what being heartbroken is like.

Some random clique of year 7's are in my spot in the quad so instead I walk into the library. I can't remember the last time I was in here, and for good reason. If I stay here much longer I may change into a pale skinned, geek. I stick my gum between the pages of a 'teenage pregnancy' book, the corners are curling, it has been read far too often. Out of the corner of my eye I see 'Gcse Science-Revision guide'. I pick it up and stick it in my bag. I think the old crone at the desk may have noticed but I don't care. I don't even know why I took it, it's not as if i'm gonna use it.

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