Chapter 4 ~ Who The Hell Are You?

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Sophia and Arthur meet! Hopefully...

"Sophia, is something wrong?" her mother asked that night at supper. Sophia looked up from stirring her favorite dish, hazelnut soup, and sent her an uneasy smile. 

"No, mother. Just...thinking, that's all." Gothel hummed in response and kept eating. Sophia smiled in relief and started eating. The dining room was quiet other than the slurps of the soup pouring into their mouths and the ticking of the grandclock behind the chair at the top of the table. 

"Sophia, we need to talk." Gothel said after her bowl was empty, surprising Sophia. Her mother hardly ate anything, only taking a couple of bites of her food before stating she was full. Gothel raised an eyebrow at the expression on her face and Sophia coughed, running a hand through her hair. 

"What would you like to talk about, Mother?" she asked, smiling widely at her. Gothel gave a unknown look and cleared her throat, staring at her daughter.

"Sophia, I know you video yourself pretending to be the daughter of two animated characters." Sophia's face paled, growing whiter than before and she gulped. Mushu was listening in the hall, his back pressing against the wall next to the arch leading to the kitchen. He winced and rubbed a scaly arm, dreading what was to come. 

"Mother, you know that some teenagers my age out there are still children in here," Sophia said back in the kitchen, pressing her hand over her heart through her black turtleneck. "But an adult in here," she reached forward and pressed a finger against her mother's forehead. Gothel didn't swat her hand away, but just sat and listened. 

"I've been isolated from the world for all my life; no friends, no family, well, except you. I don't know what things feel like; the grass under my feet, fresh water from streams, freshly picked flowers, the autumn breeze blowing through my hair, different languages, different faces, different views. I don't even know what a sunset or sunrise looks like." she said, tearing up at her loneliness.

Gothel's eyes widened a bit. She had never seen her adopted daughter cry or tear up since she was small or even fully cry since she was a baby and in her real mother's arms. Gothel had despised that little blonde brat since she took her from the castle and brought her to the tower. Rapunzel was disrespectful, whiny, needy and a bad mother and daughter. She took to being a Princess, in two ways, as something she can use for her own pleasure.  That thief who rescued her from the tower was just someone Rapunzel could twist into her own personal puppet. She had made him the new Captain of the Guards, and didn't marry him like he had thought. Instead, she had married Jack Frost and the thief didn't react badly. Heck, he was one of the groomsmen. 

 "-Mother, cosplaying as their daughter makes me happy. So, can you just accept that?" Sophia finished. Gothel blinked a few times, clearing her thoughts, and turned back to look at her daughter.

"Sophia," she sighed and rubbed her forehead before looking back at her. "I want you to delete your-what is it-Tumblr and your 'YouTube'. If I see you on either of those sites again I will take your laptop away until the day I die do I make myself clear?" 

Sophia's eyes widened and she stood up, Gothel following her lead.

"No! Please, mother, you can't-" Gothel glared at her daughter, immediently shutting her up.

"Do I make myself clear?!" she hissed, making Sophia flinch back. Gothel stood as tall as she could, trying to make her daughter afraid. Sophia stepped back in disappoint and ran out, sobbing loudly. Gothel sighed and sat back down, putting her face into her hands and sighed loudly. 

Mushu watched his Princess run up the stairs, crying and he followed, cursing that ugly hag in the back of his mind as he stopped in front of Sophia's door, which had shut after her. Mushu sighed and slowly pushed it open, and saw Sophia curled up on the floor, sobbing into her knees, which were pulled up to her chest.

Mushu shut the door as quietly as he could behind him and walked up to her. "Sophia?" he whispered. Sophia let out a sob in response and curled up tighter. The red dragon looked at her laptop on her desk and jumped up onto the wooden surporter. She had left her Tumblr on and Mushu's eyes widened when she realised she was writing a story.

A Big Four fanfiction. 

He smiled and slowly started reading loudly so she could hear it. Sophia sniffed and looked up at him with icy blue eyes full of fresh tears. 

'Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose...'

He read slowly, and softly, all through the night until the clock on her bedroom wall hit twelve. It was midnight. Sophia was still curled up on the floor, her long hair in circles around her but her head wasn't tucked between her knees anymore.

He had only read the three chapters she had typed; the last chapter she had wrote straight after seeing the Hiccup look alike who had disappeared just as quickly as he appeared. 

"That story is beautifully written, Sophia." Mushu whispered, turning to look at Sophia with his eyes full of tears. Sophia smiled and laughed, wiping away her unshed tears. 

"Mother's going to be so mad I wrote her as Mother Gothel." Mushu smiled and jumped down in front of her, patting her cheek. 

"No she won't. Because she'll never know." the two chuckled for a while; Sophia watching Mushu stroke her hair. The teenager and the dragon became silent, both lost in their own thoughts when a quiet bang sounded from Sophia's closet. The girl shot up quickly and grabbed a frying pan from under her bed. It was the same frying pan featured in Tangled, except hers was made in this century. 

She slowly edged towards the closet, frying pan out in front of her and she slowly grabbed the door handle. 

"After three," Sophia whispered to Mushu, who had jumped onto her shoulder when she had walked towards her closet. Mushu nodded and got ready as the two began to count.

"One...two...THREE!" Sophia threw open the door and pointed the frying pan towards the dark of the closet. A masculine 'oof' sounded from the window on the back wall and a crash was heard as the man in her closet fell onto the floor. Her clothes fell off their hangers from the vibration and the boxes fell from the top shelves onto him. 

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" he cried, standing up and staggering a bit. When he cleared his vision he squealed like a girl when he saw the frying pan in his face. 

"Woah! Peace! Peace...I mean you know harm." he said, hands out in front of him. "Please put it down." Sophia stared at the man and slowly lowered it, but a glare was etched onto her face as she peered at the man surrounded and covered by darkness, so seeing what he looked like was hopeless. Even Mushu had trouble seeing who it was. All was quiet as Sophia listened for her mother. When she heard no sound other than their breathing Sophia spoke;

"Who the hell are you?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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