Chapter 2 ~ The World Ruled by Darkness and Whatever Maleficent Is

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Thanks to everyone who commented! I love you all!! Here's Chapter 2!!

Corona, the small kingdom in the middle of the sea. It used to be a great beautiful place to live. But changed when the Boogeyman, Pitch Black and his companions Maleficent and Mother Gothel took over the world by stealing the Princess of Corona's daughter.

That started the Dark Ages all over again. The Guardians; Santa Claus, Jack Frost, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and the Sandman were unable to defeat him and went into hiding, losing their belief each day.

A boy, around the age of 19 ran down the streets of Corona. His footsteps light as a feather as he jumped over boxes and fences of gardens. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath, looking over the corner for Pitch's nightmares. He sighed in relief and put his hands on his knees, taking in gulps of air.

He stood up straight and after looking around again he walked towards a backdoor of a shop, knocking gently on the wooden panel.

The door slowly opened to show a man wearing a black jumpsuit. But the thing which stood out the most was his massive blue head.

"M-Megamind, thank god your still here." The boy said. The man called Megamind looked at him in shock.

"Arthur? Boy get in here now or they'll catch you." He walked in, thanking him as the blue man shut the door after him.

"Roxanne! ROXANNE! GET DOWN HERE! THE PRINCE ESCAPED!" He shouted. Their were some footsteps running down the stairs and out popped a woman with a brown pixie cut.

"Arthur's here?" She saw him and ran past Megamind, throwing her arms around her 'nephew's neck.

"How did you escape? How's your parents? Jack and Rapunzel?" She pulled away, her arms still around his neck.

"They're fine, there all fine, and how I escaped is a story for another day." Roxanne smiled, her pearly whites showing.

"It's good to see you again Arthur." He gave her a warm smile and she pulled away.

"Now, why aren't you out of Corona and heading for Scotland? The rebellion can finally start! After all these years! Finally!" She clapped her hands in joy, but stopped when she saw his face.

"Arthur? What's wrong?" Arthur looked at her then at Megamind.

"Uncle Megamind, Aunt Roxanne. I need your help." The two shared a glance, this didn't sound good.

"What is it my boy?" Megamind asked, walking forward.

"You've been working on something to get help from other dimensions right?" Arthur said.

"Yes, I have. Why?" Megamind gestured to the both of them to follow him to the basement.

"And you've found the dimension Mother Gothel took the Lost Princess to right?" He nodded again, unlocking the door.

"I need to go to that dimension and bring her back." The two stopped walking, glancing at each other in shock.

"Why?" Roxanne asked after a moment of silence.

"The prophecy predicted by Grand Pabbie talked about a long haired girl, born from the sun and moon, gifted with the powers of healing and winter, would defeat Pitch Black forever, bringing hope, wonder and dreams back to the world. Aunt Pocahontas thinks that it's about Aunt Rapunzel and Uncle Jack's daughter, the Long Lost Princess." He finished.

"It's...possible that it could be about her. But are you sure you want to go and get her? I mean she's been missing for 18 years and she'll think your crazy as a bat." Roxanne said as Megamind opened the door and led them into the basement.

"Here." The blue man said, motioning for them to gather around him and a small blue device. "I've been working on a device that lets you travel from dimension to dimension. I've programmed it so that it only takes you from this dimension to the one with the Lost Princess in and back again. After you've got her, bring her back to this one. When you do it'll take you to Scotland, in the forest near Castle Dunbroch. But be warned Arthur, Mother Gothel must not be there when you go to collect her. It'll tamper with the rebellion understand?"

Arthur nodded as Megamind gave him the device. Roxanne walked with fear.

"You can't be serious!" She cried.

"I need to finish this Aunt Roxanne, not later but now. I'll be back with the Princess soon, don't worry." He kissed her cheek and shook his Uncle's hand before touching the button, and disappearing in a flash.

"He did remember his sword right?" Megamind asked. The two turned to look at each other with shock.


Enter Arthur! And did you like how I fit Megamind, Roxanne AND the mention of Grand Pabbie in here? Ehehehe. What other Dreamworks and Disney characters do you want to see in here? Please tell me in the comments! 

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